Irish Presidential results hub 2018

Good stuff. I’m surely due another career break soon so your stance on welfare recipients is welcome.


This campaign took on a life of its own.

Peter Casey really opened up his legs and expressed himself in the last 2 weeks.

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The shinner taking home 49k a year ( probable lies) and another 50 in unvouched expences talking about the average industrial wage :rofl:


We all need welfare a t some time

Peter on RTE now.

Is he throwing jabs at yer man the heads pavee point?

Casey outpolling the dwarf in Clonmel and other areas of south Tipp according to RTÉ

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And that’s the drivers job.

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I drew a line in the sand the day I was sat in a Turkish barbers in Limerick and a big dirty traveller with red hair and an entourage of kids walked in and presented himself to the top of the queue ahead of myself and the two other punters beside me. I was third in line of the three at that point but in any event when the barber said “next” the big ignorant bastard got up and sat down on the barbers chair. Of course it wasn’t worth the hassle of getting into an argument with this classless oaf.

So instead I’d to watch on in horror as the barber had to follow his very exacting and precise instructions about how to cut his disgusting hair. He gave this muppet maybe 25 minutes of time. We were then presented with the spectacle that when the barber had finished the traveller asked for a comb while he was sat in the chair and then proceeded to comb his disgusting, thick, ginger, dandruff ridden hair this way and that way while he admired it in the mirror. When he was good and ready then he got up and made his way to the till to pay. He then pulled out of his pants a wad of €50 notes and ran his fingers through them so everyone saw all the money he had as he paid for his tenner haircut. At this point my blood was boiling and I wanted to kill this man but I was too cowardly to open my mouth.

This past week I had my first opportunity to land a blow back to this community, when I persuaded many undecided voters in my circle to vote for Mr. Casey. I hope that this is the start of a journey of taking our country back off these lawless bastards and that someone else now in politics will seize on this momentum and bring us forward into a new era. One in which these cunts know their place in society and behave themselves.




Exactly, it was a free shot on goal with no negative consequences. Casey was never going to win. Even if he did, and looking at it coldly he would not be best suited for the job, all he would be is Uachtarán na hÉireann. The Twitterheads might paint it to be a near-miss in implementing some brutal new regime. It isn’t even remotely related to that, but it certainly is some food for thought for the next GE as regards the mood of the nation. Have any of the parties the balls to grasp that nettle is the only question. FF would be best suited currently, imo.


Great post.


Like being there yourself


@smark is easily the best story teller on the internet, his only equal was @The_Dunph


I encourage you to find your voice the next time and remind the traveller chap that civilized society works a different way.

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She made a holy show of herself on that debate. Poppy Ni Riada has set the Shinners back a decade. :smile:

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Speaking on RTÉ’s Marian Finucane show, Peter Casey said he was disappointed with the expected election outcome as he felt he had a good chance of winning.

He also said that, had he won, he would have invited “all of the travelling community to move into the Phoenix Park for a five year period”.

He urged Michael D Higgins to instead do this and establish schools there to provide education.

Peter belongs on tfk


Ah that’s quality. He’s a WUM of epic proportions.

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Is that for real?! Please say yes

If only ireland had a political party born out of the support of facisim.

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