Irish Presidential results hub 2018

20% to 50% was it? Something like that?

You’re not the best at the maths are you. Are the “silent majority” getting smaller or silenter?

Rural Ireland only bothered with politics for a week, and we shook them to their core. Mobilized, we’ll be unstoppable.

Shit my whole INTERNET game has been rumbled. No way two people could make similar jokes. No worries horse anyway, warning heeded.

94% of the same electorate didn’t vote for Casey.





So What?

Up yer bollix. That’s what.

3 out of every 4 did not support your establishment president.

Glas, you’re a bright lad. If you can’t see the seismic shift that Casey had on the Irish electorate you’re at nothing.

Just for recap: Mickey P was polling around 65% with the support of the main political parties, a compliant media and as the incumbent.


Ivanna bacik is really having a bitchfest about Casey on newstalk. She wont even say his name. Like something out of harry potter.

Bacik should always be introduced as the “utterly unelectable Ivana bacik”


Outstanding Brian :clap:


It would seem that the Irish electorate is quite happy in having Labour Party types in ceremonial positions where they can make lofty speeches but have no actual power.

Correspondingly there would appear to be consensus across the political spectrum though that they shouldn’t in anyway be able to impact people’s lives in a meaningful way.


A seismic shift? He got a few impotent votes from a few daws in an election he never threatened to win. What am I missing?

Ok, I’ll leave you be, it’s clearly above your pay grade.


I mentioned that a while back, people vote entirely differently in presidential elections. Hence Casey is able to pick up a few daws votes because they are doubly safe in the knowledge he will never win a a position in which he can have pretty much no power.

The gas thing about Casey highlighting the Thurles issue is that the Council has since gone into Mediation with the Traveller families & it looks like they’ll get the stables.

He has actually helped their cause.

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