Irish pubs abroad

They were grand for a few pints on a Friday evening but there was lads living 15 minutes on the subway from the Manhattan and they couldn’t be arsed going in there.Woodlawn was worse,it was like living in Oireland.


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That in Woodside? Owner is a sound man

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Yes,I never met the owner he was an auld lad who had very little to do with the day to day running of the place only collecting the money.There we’re 2 great Dubs working there back in the day.Edel worked the day shift and Tony the night.Two of the smartest funniest people you’d ever meet,both dead now unfortunately.

One of my most distinct memories from NY were two lads from Ratoath starting with the firm I worked for on a Monday. They asked on Friday where a man would go out in this city, and they were sent to me as the lads knew I stayed clear of the Irish enclaves. I said my routine was heading for Queens after work, buying the new threads, showering, (omitted the bit of receiving a coke delivery and doing a fat line) and getting a cab to lower Manhattan. So, I said, if you want…you can meet me at the corner of Eldridge and Broome at a certain time. They agreed. By the time I arrived, there was a queue of around a hundred women outside Fontana’s Bar and the part owner a wexford woman who I knew standing on it’s high steps and the two lads looking fresh not too far away. It turned out to be Pride weekend and the bar was hosting a lesbian bash. The owner said we’d be most welcome, but it could be a waste of our time. We decided we’d go in for one anyway, skipped the line and I left in the early hours of the morning with the two lads, high out of their minds still being ground down to nothing by a horde of lesbians who I assume presumed we were all gay until I took one of the so called lesbians home. One of my colleagues approached me on the Monday and remarked that the lads enjoyed themselves that much that there’s a chance they’ll never leave. One of them I believe is still there.


I work in midtown, the bars I’d go to around here would be Peter Dillions, Gabby O Harras, Mulligans, they all give you good buy backs if you’re sitting at the bar. Westbury, Stout, Legends are good as well but more expensive. Younger Irish crowd are all going to Haswell Greens now, used to be The Mean Fiddler

I was in the Station Café in Woodsite one time not long after moving here, there was a lad sitting at the top of the bar, another fella at the bottom and me in the middle. Fella at the top starts roaring down “Yo Jimmy, yo Jimmy” other fella replies “My name is James you fucking cocksucker” welcome to New York


You must know my friend Katie in Peter dillions so

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I used to pop into Stout the odd time actually. They used to serve me a japanese stout which I tried to find on google to no avail. It was good tack. Believe it or not, I didn’t become a Guinness drinker until I lived in NY. Used to try it the odd time in Ireland prior. Drank plenty of it then on return. The taste buds took a few years to develop.

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I must tip in on my next visit to the mainland

:nauseated_face: @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

@Kyle in there roaring for them to turn on Eastenders

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Streaming live has been going for over a decade and a half.

Aye, astute publicans with an assortment of dishes were picking up streams and feeds back to studio illegally for nigh on 20 years I’d wager

Illegal satellites a big thing then.

I can remember the sites but there were a few back in 2008/2009 vintage. There was also a platform that I can’t remember the name of, I guess like IPTV? I would imagine they were probably more stable and less likely to be nixed as well. Not sure on streaming these days.

No idea on GGA specifically but you only needed one person abroad to do it.

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There was a bar beside Kaiser Park SF that we’d go into of a Wednesday evening. The VHS tapes would be there by then so you’d ask them to stick on the hurling match and then the Sunday game. Good times. 25 years ago now :see_no_evil:

Well the opposite happened two young lads just over who started working for Benny Reid,first weekend we they were there we went to the Setter to cash the checks and a few lads pointed them towards the tittie bar up the road on Queens Boulevard.They spent the next year spending their time between the Setter/byre/Sean Carews and the strip club getting lap dances and 8 balls.It was fuckin tragic.The big schmoke just doesn’t suit some people.


That’s rich coming from an Anglophile such as yourself :joy:

Ive travelled the globe, unlike yourself.

The bars in NY would have them on a Monday evening alright

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Setanta was broadcasting games abroad around then?

You want to move your children to youth unemployment capital Spain because you want to top up your tab more regularly.