Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

If cynicism is after going up to five points I’m gonna need a recount. @Julio_Geordio will walk it though

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The youth leagues are the only way to go tbh

Developing players and cashing in on them

I’d say the add on with Bazanu are huge.

The 400 club also plays a huge role

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Rovers weren’t liquidated

The 400 club saved them

Is paying rent getting something for free?

Yeah, having the links with bigger clubs and developing the trust in the academies here. Theres no value in a lad getting picked up at 13/14 and getting lost in the churn over there. If the real good ones are kept and coached properly until they’re 17/18 and then generate value. It’s better for all parties, the player most of all. The seller gets a good price and the buyer has a better chance with the player.

The schooling in a top school is a benefit too

Inter after some 16 year old. Hope he stays for a while

Is that the chap who scored for the 2nd team?

I don’t think so. That’s another guy

Will Byrne have to leave Rovers to make it with Ireland?

Dundalk were unlucky to lose to Rosenberg in 2017. Gave them a good rattle from what I remember of the second leg on RTÉ.

With that prick :vulcan_salute: spock in charge. Yes

Yeah I think so. Rosenborg had Bendtner up front I think

yeah they were miserable in the home leg though
the defeat in Cyprus in 2018 i think was bad…it was a trashing albeit against a decent ex la liga made up side but again indicative of no progress…
the bratislava game last year was very disappointing also in Tallagt after a strong first leg.
slovan had been knocked out of the CL by sutjeska who subsequently got done by Linfield if I recall…

rovers ucd and bohs
rest never really know where they will be after the close season

See who he signed for today?


Some over 35s team.or something to that affect

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This guy will be a bit of craic I’d say :joy:

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“can you understand what I am saying”

there’s the full thing
this guy is sound lads!
look - its better than appointing alan matthews, harry kenny or paul doolin at least from a making it more intersting perspective
getting lads like him and sheridan in who dont give a shit about reputation or the the culture of the league may be a good thing you know…
this lad may prove people wrong albeit it really looks like he is plugging a hole till november
he speaks really well here- maybe these yanks might have uneathed something

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Where did they even find him is what I want to know