Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

You could have Aguero up top the way we play and it wouldn’t make a difference

@twiceasnice97 on Twitter not happy

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One quality striker makes a big difference to average sides at international level.

You can forget about Doherty in a back four and Stevens is barely passable in one. I don’t get it tbh. It seems really obvious

As I said before I had no issue with Kenny getting the gig but he would have been as well off waiting another year, taking the under 21s to the Euros and taking the gig next November after we failed to get to the WC. Could have come in with a clean brush and blooded a lot of the youngsters who would be a year further down the road and goodwill for him would he high and expectations low.

Instead he pushed for it and is in a tough spot as the current squad aren’t suited to his style of football and the youngsters not ready. He could well be gone by the end of the WC 2022 campaign

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Who here still backs spock?

He’s had his chance. We may as well get someone else in before it’s too late


Coleman has been a fabulous player for Ireland over his career . Over his career he has played in largely bang average Irish teams .

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Kenny just went straight with his favourites from the underage teams thinking they would do the same job for the senior international team.

He has fucked things up right from the off by omitting Obafemi, it was pathetic to hear the OTB lads praise Kenny for the way he dealt with the situation.


Our proud record against Finland is GONE

Massive hyperbole. He’s been grand, maybe a bit more than grand around 2015/16

@gilgamboa drink it in maaaan

I want Glen Whelan chewing his gum anchoring the midfield in Bratislava.

McClean for Connolly and Coleman for Doherty.

We need leadership.

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Is like Dave Keane again for the Limerick posters :cry:

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Kenny is playing a few decent underage players from his teams before they even become solid club players . The clowns in the Irish media wanted this too .

He will need to learn from this .


Shane Long must be getting disillusioned with it all.

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Drink what in? Delighted to see em win as an Irish man but I wouldn’t have much interest

Coleman has in the man been a fine player for Ireland over the years . We have in the main been bang average those years

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And he has been as bang average as anyone else most of the time

Bang of copy and paste off that tweet :slightly_smiling_face: