Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) šŸ

I donā€™t think he is a spoofer but possibly out of his depth. He obviously a good footballing man and has a strong idea as to how it should be played but I donā€™t think he will have the wherewithall to manage egos and implement the style of football he has in mind.

Some of the journalists are saying that it took Michael Oā€™Neill three years to whip Northern Ireland into shape but they were are a far lower ebb and he was trying to get the to play a far simpler style of football that Kenny aspires to.

Eamonn Sweeney in the Indo today raving about Irelandā€™s possession stats v Bulgaria and suggesting that Adam Idah actually had a good game. Feels a bit like the friendlies against Chile etc. in the Steve Staunton reign but Iā€™ll reserve judgement until the proper competitive games. MON struggled in friendlies but had a decent record when it mattered (5-1 v Denmark aside).

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Read that, idah miles off the pace in both games.

Acres of space down his side All night long.Maybe heā€™s not gutless but he sure as fuck is limited.

Whatā€™s alarming is the same mistakes were there from the first game. The midfield had no cohesion and the press from the front wasnā€™t coordinated. About 4 times harry arter was the highest presser and the high line wasnā€™t square.

The system seemed to offer no protection for the full backs and also didnā€™t seem to enhance their ability to get forward.

Also, we seem to be severely lacking in players with game awareness, and also speed of thought. The three in midfield needed three touches to get it in, composed and pick a pass.

There wasnt any real out ball and the opposition both days didnt really have to defend especially well.

On the plus, we actually looked better with Didsy up there and McLean was dangerous too.

I thought Brady was very poor.

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Not having Obefami in squad was a very odd call, as Kenny doesnā€™t have a role that suits him in his system will he be discarded?

Dohertys lack of anything approaching urgency when getting back after losing possession would drive teammates mad.

Didzy is the key to us showing any attacking threat.

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Iā€™d say Didsy is less suited to a lone man number 9 role though. At times he was wide or deep when we were getting balls into the box. Heā€™s a lovely footballer but he isnā€™t a 9 in a three up.

Dela was great vfm.

Didsy is definitely our best option for the middle of the three up front. Holds up the ball better than anyone else we have and has a better eye for a pass than any of the rest. We created twice as many chances in the 20 mins he was playing than in the previous 70. Who is better? Long will chase all day (well he used to be able toā€¦) but his control isnt as good.

Niall Quinn on again tonight analysing the Irish team .

Exactly. Our back four have been exposed as being slow as fuck and badly organised in the last two games. I donā€™t think they were much better before but had much better protection. Molumby Arter and Brady had zero shape and repeatedly failed to cover their midfield. We then got to see just how pedestrian our defence is.
Lads lionise Duffy here but his defending over the last 2 games has been horrendous. Him and Egan should be embarrassed.

I would have clark ahead of any of those 2.

Where was Duffy for their goal?

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Did Clarke ever have spell of playing well at a high level? Hes been a part-timer for Newcastle for 4 years. We may as well get onto Richard Keoghs physio and ask how heā€™s doing.

Standing on his heels letting their forward run in behind him while not coordinating his back line he went to put his hand up for offside then realised it was futile. He repeatedly let Pukki in behind him.

It looks very messy. Nothing looks joined up.

Very pessimistic now for Slovakia

The Irish football media overhype pretty much every young Irish player who comes through and ends up in the UK. Molumby has been a favourite of the hipsters in recent months. Today he looked in over his head.

I reckon Parrot will turn out to be another Darron Gibson/Anthony Stokes. Will never justify the hype that existed as he was breaking through.

Kenny will get eaten up by this job. It could all go very wrong, very quickly.

Doherty has always been a bit of a mouthy, cocky prick. If you are relying on people like that in the dressing room, well, it wonā€™t end well. As soon as heā€™s dropped and Coleman is back in heā€™ll be throwing the gaffer under the bus.


Off jumping around near the corner flag clapping his hands and trying to cajole the non existent ball boys

Yep. I think his best bet is to go solid. If he wants a back four Iā€™d go with those 3 and bring colemman in for Doherty. Iā€™d play McCarthy holding. And go Connolly, Brady Hendrick and Doherty across with Didsy up top.
As long as Brady is fit. At least wed have more solidity and experience through the spine of our side. Then throw on a few berserkers from 60 mi s or so.

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Iā€™ve never seen as bad an attitude or body language as Doherty today from an international.