Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

This Moore fella up front for wales is some fucking spoon

Molumby showing up much better so far than he did against Finland.

Hourihane is bossing it.

Longs got a nice shiner from that. Think there was a bit of a deliberate swing back about the elbow

That’s quite a black eye on Long after that mutant elbowed him.

Kevin Long is in shite, looks concussed.

But yeah, Mick thinks it wasn’t a yella.

Fuck off Mick you ape.

Corpus Christie on.

Cyrus has put on a bit of timber

Have we no other centre back?

Sweet jesus Doherty is gone in there

Wouldn’t you think we’d have brought one on if we had?

Derrick Williams must be patient zero

Why isn’t Darragh Lenihan in the squad?

Is Dara O’ Shea starting? What time is this match at?

It’s nearly half time

By God.

This has gone to shit

Fucking hell. Brady shouldn’t be missing the target from there. He’s gone to shit sadly.

That was a great chance.

If you haven’t heard of John Egan I don’t know why you’re in this thread

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Fuck it but I really dislike that Giggs cunt