Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

Had to score.

Ah Long ffs :see_no_evil:

Think so. Journeyman midfielder.

He’s not doing so bad in there to be fair

Slong should have done better there

Poor ball from Brady after a nice move.

We are ripping these taffy cunts to shreds

He’s the wrong foot for that side so all his balls are swinging in

Hendrick playing well, linking midfield to attack very nicely, haven’t seen him do this since 2016

Stevens has played 2 great passes infield to get us on the attack too.

Definite positive signs on show here

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Robbie, jesus, ffs

Look far more positive, I thought the players would have zero interest with the last few days but credit to Kenny they are full of beans(and covid)

We really should be bringing on a couple of players now.


We could do with replacing Robbie Brady here now

I’ve been impressed with Dohertys attitude today

Byrne is surely worth a spin here at this stage

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Maguire and Horgan getting ready.

Spock really putting Byrne in his place here

We’re about to fuck up the Welsh by bringing on Damien Duff, Giggs going to be like WTF?

Fuck sake spock

Slong has some thankless task