Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

there isnt just one playing style across the whole continent mate

I couldn’t really give a bollocks about the English national team, they have loads of good young lads coming through as it is.

I don’t think we can get much worse than we are now so I’m hopeful it will be a good thing in the long run and also hopefully not as many kids ending up back here as “failures” with no qualifications at 19 or 20


Your last point is definitely a positive.

It should make the LOI stronger. Now is the time to invest in proper structure

Well they arent queueing up to take Irish lads as it is are they

That’s because they’re brought up in British academies. Look at the best players in the LOI, Byrne, McEleney, Duffy all of them much more suited to a continental style of play and failed in the English lower leagues with the ball going over their head

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Byrne went to Holland and blew it there too to be fair, off the pitch though

Agreed. Technical players have no business in the lower leagues

But the Permier division is no better and they arent any better than can be got in the spanish academies

He went on loan for a season and did fairly well no?

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They didnt queue up to buy him back

Right I’ve given this some bit of process.

We lose out on the immediate money from the nurseries and the agreement in place between the english clubs and Irish junior and underage clubs.

Thats a major loss in terms of funding and infrastructure for those clubs.

The flop side of that is lads might not go to the uk until 18/19 when they’ve had a couple of years playing professional ball. If the success rate is good we could be looking at high transfer fees.

The problem here is lads might go playing gaa, or rugby if the money or path out isn’t immediate.

I’m struggling to see an overwhelming positive to this

97.5% of the lads that go over go for no fee and are never sold for a fee so the clubs make nothing.
The idea that any Irish club has some sort of selling model English clubs is completely false. Rovers have sold what two? Is that it in the last few years?
Bohs got a few bob off Doherty but that was a yonks ago deal
Cork sold a few lads but we are nearly going back ten years at this stage
My point is this would have zero effect on LOI finances. The best young footballers staying here can only be a good thing. The amount of lads that go over and never “make it” then never play again is criminal

Johnny EPL won’t see this

I don’t think that is true

You don’t have to


Probably one or two more

There isn’t an agreement in place, for example. Its a FIFA rule so if they go for a fee at 18 they are still compensated


You said there was an agreement with nursery clubs

There are nursery clubs. Like home farm who traditionally provide players direct to premier league clubs… there are standing agreements on how trialists etc are handled.

These nurseries will go away now. The premier league clubs arent going to want an 18 year old youngfella who’s not been trained in their academy unless they are absolutely exceptional and they pay a transfer for them

Are Irish professional clubs set up to provide proper academies for elite young lads? I’d very much doubt it

This could be a good thing but I dont think Irish professional soccer is in a place to take advantage

Aston Villa academy graduate who ended up at rovers when he was about 23? Not sure what he has to do with a discussion about Irish academy players

I presume lads who have come back and played

This has taken on the good for shamrock rovers over good for irish soccer context