Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) 🐐

eoin Doyle still scoring goals…

Wes scores for Cambridge, some man.

Byrne taken off at HT
0-1 down v Apollon

Robbie Brady having a nice, tidy match here vs Chelsea. Stand out player so far for either side


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That dinosaur Trapatoni wouldnt play Wes in his prime. A crime on Irish football.


Wes was a championship footballer who had a journeyman career when trap had him


They absolutely love Wes in Norwich. In Football Manager speak he must be a club icon.

Ayman ben mohommed has joined denzilispor from le harve

No he wasnt. Should have walked on that Irish team in Euro 2012. Criminal.

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Trap a dinosaur :sweat_smile:

Max Rushden who does the Guardian Football pod (formerly of Soccer AM fame) is a Cambridge fan and he’s been raving about Wes all season

mcaniff to Hearts?

Twouldnt be all that difficult stand out at Cambridge. Tallest midget in the tribe, and Wes isnt very tall.

He eked out a grand auld career tbf to him.

Sky reporting Parrott could be off to Ipswich on loan.

A great future behind him.

Gone to Ipswich. Good grief, I thought we had some in him. Ah well

He does know Big Mick isn’t there any more, right?

Paul Lambert

a horrible bastard