Irish soccerball nil - That boy Bazunu will save us (Part 1) šŸ

Karen putting Sadler in his place

Sadliers lost his mind here

Sadlier was being deliberately obtuse there.


Karen has saved the show here

Karen Karen Karen


She has a calming presence about her


Ah heā€™s trying to be the new dunphy, itā€™s fair enough to critique them but ffs he should give them credit when itā€™s due in fairness

Media these days is all about the attention economy and creating viral moments for Twitter consumption. In the end the lads decided they just werenā€™t that arsed about it.

I was just going to say she has a lovely way about her.

If Peter Collins wants Spock IN its good enough for me

There is nothing to be gained from panning that team . It is a very very limited squad and the usual standards donā€™t apply

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Jaysus, Richie is pure odd.

any twitter gems from the ā€œpressā€ to sum this up?
I missed it at half time but usually they are all competing to get that telling one liner out there

Along with her excellent analysis, Karen has a lovely fashion sense. A reserved long length summer dress that could do justice to Claire Byrneā€™s wardrobe.

Stephen Kenny is understandably beaming after that thumping win. Emā€¦deadly.

This is the first interview Iā€™ve seen with Kenny. Is there something wrong with him?


Even if Spockā€™s time as Ireland manager doesnā€™t work out, heā€™s a shoo-in for a lucrative career on the sports//leadership/what business can learn about leadership from sport corporate after dinner speaking circuit.

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You can really see Keith Andrews influence on the side now

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I 100% agree with you
this is a squad of limited players who perhaps Doherty aside really want to be part of this thing and are giving it their level best.
They are incredibly limited in comparison to other sides we have had and also if we compare to the 24 teams playing next week and thatā€™s just the way it isā€¦youā€™d swear we had Neymar and fernandinho or something who were playing at elite level but not giving a shit about the national team and kenny didnt know what to do with them

This is as good as itā€™s ever gonna be with this squad , fall in line with it now or fall the fuck outā€¦the criticism is most undignified tbh*

*im ok with poking fun at Spockā€™s mannerisms btw


Paul McGinley will need to up his game to retain those gigs


Heā€™s some spoofer