Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Because theyā€™re professional athletes with a modicum of pride?

He didnā€™t say they were shit, just inferior to the Dutch. Seemed a reasonable and accurate assessment.

Incorrect. His exact words were

ā€œEvery single one of the Irish players are inferior to their Dutch counterpart. They are all as shit as Denis Irwinā€.

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The man has a few big islands and landscaping to pay for. He wonā€™t be leaving that job of his own accord.

Next manager needs

Played for Ireland
Can connect with the youngest members of the squad
Have a significant public profile
Demonstrated a deep understanding of the game
A media performer
Loved by the OTB / Second Captain types

Richie Sadlier your time is now

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Would lee carsley be obtainable or is his stock beyond our reach? Just seen your post Sid.

Heā€™s definitely obtainable. Coaches want to test themselves at senior level. Carsley wonā€™t be given the England senior job because heā€™s too low profile. Heā€™s gone as far as he can with England underage teams. Heā€™s played for Ireland and Ireland have a decent group of young players who have the potential to improve. Itā€™s a senior international job. Some championship clubs might come looking for him but his level of suitors would be your Stokes, Birminghams or Huddersfields. Ireland can compete with that level in terms of attractiveness.

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Luc Holtz would surely be within our budget.

Sarina Weigmann would be a great choice for all those who love the progressive football we have heard so much about over the last three and a half years

Vera is the answer.
But would the fai do another U-turn?


just have to make sure we donā€™t get Thomas Gravesen


My heart is in Ireland, my lungs are out in Spain
My kidneys are somewhere nearer Sydney.

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Could Bielsa be tempted? Hector Cuper? Jorge Sampaoli? I think we need a mad South American type to stir us into action


Bielsa is managing Uruguay

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Heā€™s retired Suarez and Cavani as well by the looks of it. Heā€™s a great sort.

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Surely itā€™s always been robbies dream to manage his country, whatā€™s he at these days?

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Bielsa me hole. The most overrated manager in history.

I think youā€™ll find thats ferguson.

Heā€™s managing out in Israel