Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Yes, Roy Keane is exactly what we need now.


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Conte is the answer

Kenny Cunningham pushing the case for Roy Keane as the new boss on otb am

It will be Neil Lennon

has he been sacked? I don’t think they’ll pay Kenny off and he won’t leave

He’d be a fool to leave the man is on half a million quid. He is never getting near a salary like that again.

He has the bones of a year left on it, and I doubt he was a hugely wealthy guy coming into it.

It all comes down to the fact that there is still a small chance, somehow, through a Nations League Play Off; you’d imagine the money hungry FAI will keep him in situ for that playoff and in the unlikely event that we should get to Euro 2024 through that path. A dud performance and the Euros then and he won’t get renewed.

Of course, if there was any ambition in the FAI, he would get the road this morning, get a competent person in and go balls out for the Nations League playoff, even if only for the short term. You’d imagine the possible payback financially from qualification would be worth the risk

they’re paying twice if they sack him and there’s absolutely no guarantee we’d beat anyone in a playoff. You can see logic in him staying

The shoes off brigade need a major tournament to look forward to

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The play off is all the more reason to sack him. Give the interim or new man three games to build into the play offs and give ourselves an outside chance


Need to go cap in hand to Denis O’Brien for some funds and beg MON to come back. Tony O’Donoghue might need to be the sacrificial lamb


He’ll keep his job because the players kept trying for him

Not a hope for me. Kenny will definitely go.

Zero chance I’d say

I’m ok with that.

Its obvious that they were pissed off about Koemans comments, thats the only reason they played the way they did last night.

Why would they be pissed off over his comments? Koeman was dead right. Far superior players.

Because they’re professional athletes with a modicum of pride?

He didn’t say they were shit, just inferior to the Dutch. Seemed a reasonable and accurate assessment.

Incorrect. His exact words were

“Every single one of the Irish players are inferior to their Dutch counterpart. They are all as shit as Denis Irwin”.

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