Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Stephen Bradley is about to win his fourth League Of Ireland title in a row. Why do you think Bradley has 0% chance of being appointed Ireland manager yet Duff, who finished 7th out of 10 teams last season and is currently 5th from 10 teams, will be a live candidate for the job if he wants it?

I just donā€™t think the hipsters at Bohs would take to a lad with that haircut. All well and good back in the early 2000s but I donā€™t think Kenny has a big enough vinyl collection to be loved by them now.

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Heā€™s like a sound version of Chris Finch.

The bourgeois Roddy Collins

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More the reason to get big Sam. He called out tiki taka years ago.

Sam Allardyce England GIF

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He is a deserving of a Bill Cullen style sketch.

Ireland had 52.2% possession

Ireland had 15 shots to Denmarkā€™s 3.

Ireland had 8 corners to Denmarkā€™s 3.

We battered Denmark on the play and were a kick of a ball away from qualifying ahead of a team who had beaten us 5-1 at the same venue two years previously and went on to reach the semi-finals of Euro 2020. Tell us again why we got rid of Mick McCarthy?


Seems to be the Bohs types who want him to stay on as national team manager. Theyā€™d surely be glad of him

UEFA Stats:
Possession: Ireland 57% Denmark 43%
Passing accuracy: Ireland 79% Denmark 79%
Passes attempted: Ireland 518 Denmark 469
Passes completed: Ireland: 410 Denmark 371
Corners: Ireland 9 Denmark 3
Total attempts: Ireland 15 Denmark 3
Attempts on target: Ireland 3 Denmark 1
Attempts off target: Ireland 7 Denmark 0
Blocked: Ireland 5 Denmark 2

Listening to this here now - I thought the second captains was behind paywall for all their content? Just noticed i can follow them on my basic Spotify account for a decent amount of regular content - and not just 6min type stuff like OTB now.

The pod we were talking about was on Monday and Monday pods are always free to air.

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Thereā€™s so much going on with this comment :smiley:

How on earth have Johnny Hill and the lads in Abbotstown not found a sponsor yet?

And surely thereā€™s a millionaire or two who could stump up for a Mancini like appointment

I think otb still have some free ones do they. Second captains usually do two free on a Monday I think. A soccer one and another for rugby/gaa/ golf other sports.

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All those boys have degrees in maybe Arts/Humanities/Journalism? Grand degrees in their own right and good starters before a masters to further their education but Iā€™d be very confident with little or no prep Iā€™d be as knowledgeable on sports as Ger Gilroy, Gavin Cooney or Daniel McDonell. A plethora of posters here would be at least on a par with them. Thereā€™s fellas here running the IFSC.


An awful lot of presumptions and value judgements going on there.

Presumptions and value judgements by the Irish media were exactly what landed Stephen Kenny in the biggest association football job in the country. Pat Fenlon must be raging that they didnā€™t campaign for him 15 years ago.


Very short ones only like previews/snippets

The whole debuts handed out thing is nonsense. He picked the players that were playing at the highest level during his reign as any manager does. It just coincided with more young players coming through

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Our back 5 the other night had Collins and 4 lads over 30. Give youth a chance me bollox