Irish soccerball nil - That boy Jinky will save us (Part 2)

Spock :vulcan_salute: is rattled

That man looks unwell

Kenny is a bumbling idiot :laughing:

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That was like a parody interview by Mario Rosenstock or Oliver Callan

I feel for him, this job will eat him up. He’s not up to it but he doesn’t deserve that cretin Tony O’Donoghue badgering him.


To thibk @padjo said the srfc players were at fault when they locked :vulcan_salute: out of the dressing room

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TOD went very easy on him there in comparison to how he approached O’Neill

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Fucking hell, it sounds like he’s going to hang around until Saturday anyway :astonished:

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Steve Finnan was originally from Janesboro was he? Albeit I think he left Ireland at a very young age.

Saying how the Ukraine looked fitter than us was probably the most hostile criticism Kenny has faced in his tenure so far.

Yep he was. I’d know a few of his cousins.

In the pub on Saturday we were discussing Kenny’s media performances. One of the chaps said Kenny was like Apres Match Frank.

This was a comparison I had made myself as far back as when the news of his appointment was leaked.

That there was actually one of his less bad interviews though I think was down to the shortness of it more than anything.

Liam Brady was Spock on.


He is over two years in the gig now, have the FAI not broached the topic of media training with him yet or is he just too stubborn I wonder.

He does himself no favours

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Coleman Egan Duffy Doherty

Festy O’Shea Obamidele Hamilton

Idah Obafemi

We are toothless with 3 at the back, too ponderous playing out due to our technical limitations. He needs to play a team of physically strong, mobile players. The above team would get crosses in the box, Obafemi can drop off and link up, Idah holds the ball up well.

The cheap suit and the Dunnes Stores shirt with the top button undone.

He is a wanker

Just because he comes across as a simpleton doesnt mean he isnt a prick too

Bazunu Off to Southampton for 10 million as a back up. Terrible move.

I don’t know has he had media training but I suspect media training would not improve his media performances.

I think it comes from a lack of real inner confidence and a feeling he has that he has to prove himself. It’s like he tries to use self justification in interviews to make up for poor performances on the pitch. But he gets all jumbled up in his thoughts. The silences which follow are excruciating.


I said at the time when he got the gig he should have held off and finished out the term with the under 21s and let Mick have the WC qualifying campaign.

He would have been able to do a bit more learning on the job, get used to the media and scrutiny and continue to build a rapport with the younger players who would be his core group of players to build with and more importantly would be taking the gig some time in 2023 where these younger guys would be another couple of years down road in their development.

He also would have had huge goodwill built up from getting a group to the under 21 Euros too and would have been taking on the gig heading into a European Championship qualifying campaign with far more margin of error and be all but guaranteed a play off appearance.

It was obvious from the get go this was never going to work when he took over but he never gave himself a chance to succeed with his pigheadedness forcing big mick out.

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