Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?


Martina is right. The A-Z community are up in arms denying science.



I don’t believe Gender Identity Disorder Is treatable with surgery.

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Gender Identity Disorder has not existed since 2012, try and keep up.

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There is no such thing as gender dysphoria mate.

What’s your explanation then for men who cut off their cock and balls?

Misfortunes fooled and sucked into the gender transformation industry. Helped by enablers making a living off the backs of these confused individuals.

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So you now agree that gender dysphoria exists, make up your mind, you sound confused.

No such thing as gender dysphoria mate, it’s Gender Identity Disorder, the term explains itself.

A lot of transphobia on display here - you’d wonder how some posters ever get to sleep with the amount of worrying they do that other people might have the right to lead happy lives. There’s a terrible want in some people - it’s sad to see.

That term is no longer used, just as homosexuality is no longer regarded as a disorder. These people have enough to be dealing with besides the stigma of being called headcases. Between 40 - 50% attempt suicide, compared to 0.5% of the overall population. I agree there is conflicting research on whether surgery helps them long term.

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The TFK transphobia crew are out in force today I see.


These folks are being led up the garden path by people who full in the knowledge that rather than surgery these people need it very serious counselling they should be getting. It is an industry now, people perform their roles all along these misfortunates journey and they make a living off of them. Quite sad.

I’d imagine they would need a very long dose of counselling or psychological evaluation alright - I cant imagine waking up from surgery with a newly constructed fanny would suddenly make everything alright.

It might suit you though.

I’m fine with the tackle I have kid.

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Yes, I’d agree with transphobic weirdos getting counselling rather than surgery, although if it fails, a lobotomy shouldn’t be ruled out as a last resort.

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First world problems…