Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?

How has your lobotomy worked out?

You clearly couldn’t understand that that post was directed at you, pal. Another comprehension fail on your part. :grin:

Thankfully this is not a concern for me. I know a guy called Kate, tall fellow in a mini skirt who had the op. A man probably of about 60 ish I’d say, a very decent friendly gentleman. The odd occasion I would have had good chats with him on a Saturday afternoon inside The Office bar in the market. I called him a lunatic straight to his face and we both laughed at it. A very nice guy. He told me he was originally from St. Mary’s Park, he took off to the states over forty years ago and while there he had the op. He returned to Limerick about 15 years ago with his new american accent. I haven’t spoken to him in years but I did see him(you couldn’t miss him) recently on the street but I was driving at the time. Always in high heels, a mini skirt and wearing make up. It really does take all sorts.

You mentioned the mini skirt twice.:thinking:

He had a fine pair of legs on him. :wink:

Any port in a storm

Calm down will you.

The child told her that he was not a boy but a girl at age three apparently … the child is only 7 now.

Fair play, on the other hand, poor auld glas still doesn’t know

My three year old looked me in the eye yesterday and told me he was a power ranger.


Jude Law had a lucky escape


Stewart Townsend dodged a bullet there.

Cece my play mate :clap: :clap: come back and play with me :clap: :clap:, for I’m a tranny :clap: :clap: and iv no willy :clap: :clap:

How fucked up is it going to get before someone says stop? 3. This is nothing short of child abuse.

Welcome to modern Ireland

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These self hating sicko’s should be given the choice one time and one time only, either smarten up or get a bullet in the back of the head. Pussying around time is over.

You’re a bit of an odd fella.

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Just ahead of the curve mate , that’s all.

Coming soon to a school near you