Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?

He has climate trans, top men are working on a vaccine or so I heard on Joe Rogan

Did Caster Semenya knowingly break the spirit of athletic competition? I see she’s getting a lot of flak on twitter!

I don’t agree at all at all with former males competing against women but I’m not sure she is a guilty party, what’s the story?

She’s not guilty, but does have an unfair advantage due to male levels of testosterone. In truth, the wisdom of Solomon couldn’t sort this one out. The court case has been widely misquoted anyway. It was actually about the Swiss govt not standing up for her human rights. She is in an invidious position, but the argument, which is in many ways reasonable, is that women with normal hormone levels are at such a big disadvantage that it is essentially unfair. It kind of boils down to how a society functions, the whole gender thing, ie whether an enormous swathe of society should be discomfited to appease the desires of a very few.
Semanya herself is blameless, just caught in the moral maze.


What’s the motivation for ‘competing’ if it’s not a competition? Is it money?

Despite it being in the telegraph, it’s not an unreasonable viewpoint.

Retrospective? Take away the Gold medals?
Sharron Davies has a bee in her bonnet about Semenya, it seems personal, collateral damage in Davies (justified) crusade against male athletes competing in female events,
Semenya was born with female genitalia and I presume in Rural S.A it was never questioned but that she was female, she never cheated and must have had a rough time on the circuit,
With all the doping that’s gone on I think Semenya deserves a peaceful retirement in some ways, we know a lot more now, change the rules by all means but don’t make it personal.

Again, I am as appalled as anybody about men competing against women so please keep it civil everybody


If it said she should be retrospectively stripped of medals, I missed it. It is a difficult situation. I don’t think she should, but the stat from the 2016 games was startling. Tbh, I just presume a gold medal winner is most likely on drugs anyway.


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This is bizarre, how is being a male an advantage at chess? No physical advantage necessary. Its a game of skill and intelligence

Activist led care.

Seems impartial :thinking:

I’ve flicked on rte here in time to hear a headbanger talk about young people can change gender back and forth as much as they like :smiley:

A child should choose what their treatment path should be :hushed:… ffs, how can you give these lunatics airtime. The civilized world is moving away from that barbaric model.


and yet they get it… worrying times.


What’s more frightening is what’s coming out here… That the HSE were trying to silence the experts on the topic. Something the gender headbangers have attempted to do all over the world.


The activist agenda…

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That was tragic viewing.

Lol, look at the FIDE list and you’ll answer your owb question. There are huge and obvious advantages.

RTE is a virus.


Imagine calling to sterilise children straight out, youll be branded a far right party from Germany