Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?

The most liberal countries in Europe are all moving away from this practice and are finally listening to the medical experts. Of course, the Irish are deferring to the wokie NGOs on this , not the medical experts…just like on every other topic.


“Medical experts”, lolz, amazing how there’s such a crossover between the batshit anti-trans lobby and anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers.

The anti-trans lobby is a far right political project and many of the people involved are basically child abusers or no better.

The highest profile people in the anti-trans lobby shout “Nazi” at people while they literally invite actual Nazis to their demonstrations. See Posie Parker.

The whole anti-trans lobby is a mind virus.

The exact posters you’d expect to be consumed by it here are the ones that are. The headbangers are nothing if not predictable.

Id love to see the books of some of these NGOs, rte were caught wasting public money, these cunts are probably getting it elsewhere.

Its absolute madness to allow underage people make live changing decisions on drugs or surgery. You wouldn’t let a child get a prescription without parents consent, or buy a few cans, or fags or vote.

If they reach 18 and want to do it well then they are an adult legally leave them off.


You can be anti allowing a child to decide they want and allow them to proceed with mutilating irreversible surgery or hormone treatment, and not be anti trans.


Well said.

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The leaders, the opinion formers of the anti-trans movement are headbangers, mate. Same as with anti-immigration, it can never be anything other than a far right political project because the most extreme voices are in fact the majority and they will always, always, always predominate, and because the entirety of the whole movement lets them.

That being anti-trans or anti-immigrant could ever be a non-far right political project - which by definition means lies and propaganda are its meat and drink - this is an oxymoron. It’s an impossibiliity.

The only long term studies on gender dysphoria all conclude the same - if you treat the dysphoria than eventually 80-90% of sufferers learn to accept their body.

It’s the reason why suicidal tendancies among those who have transitioned are as high, if not higher, than pre transition rates. The dysphoria was never treated and all the drugs and surgeries won’t change that.

A tiny percentage will never accept their body as the dysphoria is too strong - these people deserve to live their life as best makes them happy.

It takes some amount of word salading to defend foisting this ideology onto children. It’s a remarkable abdication of decency and common sense.


If the anti-trans movement had its way suicide rates among trans people would skyrocket. They have zero human empathy. Scum would be too kind a word for them.

Sadly, that’s what it is. A deranged ideology.

Modern liberalism in a nutshell there.

It’s only deranged for the low level halfwits who shout the loudest. At a higher level its actually planned and promoted as part of a wider agenda

Liberalism has driven you demented, pal.

Time to get out from under the bed.

It’s doesn’t seem to be a very alpha male thing to live your in fear of invented threats.

You’ll forgive me if I don’t take advice from someone who thinks men can magically turn into women

Everything is a conspiracy.

You can’t even have inter-county managers beat up their wives these days without people objecting to it. What’s the world coming to at all at all.

That’s a bit of an oxymoron. If the denial to transition leads to suicide then where are all these historical suicides? Surely we’d have a wide history of recorded suicides… We Don’t, because the science is clear… Eventually, nearly all those who suffer gender dysphoria learn to accept their body.

Trans men, trans women and non-binary people exist mate, the same as any other people. They wont bite you, unless you ask and you’re lucky enough for them to agree to do so.

You be a good alpha male there and live your life in constant fear of your fictional threat.

Trans youth are significantly more likely to attempt suicide when gender dysphoria is met with conversion therapy than with hormone treatment

And that makes sense when they realise their body wasnt issue but the mental illness that caused it. Again there is no quick fix to that either depending on the person.

Whereas anyone who genuinely wants to transition and considered it, researched it and made the decision as a right minded consenting adult should be supported. But calling it anti trans to say children shouldnt make these decisions is madness

Not sure where you’re getting fear from, just more reality bending from you in order to justify another strand of headbanger ideology. Who’d have guessed it, huh

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