Is gender dysphoria treatable by surgery?

Being called headbangers really annoys you lot, to the extent that you can think of nothing else than to immediately shout the same word back. Its very poor INTERNETTING.

And suicide rates are just as high post transition. This is also a fact… Because the dysphoria, the thing that’s causing their suicidal tendancies, is not being treated.

Please don’t pretend to give a fuck about people committing suicide when you don’t.

Suicide-Related Outcomes Following Gender-Affirming Treatment: A Review - PMC.

Prior to initiating unspecified gender-affirming treatment(s), 73.3% of the sample reported a history of suicidal ideation; this percentage dropped to 43.4% following the initiation of gender-affirming treatment.

The jokers in the article you posted are equating conversion therapy with NOT taking hormones to change your sex, or lobbing off body parts presumably also. I stopped reading due to the complete absurdity of it.

You don’t actually believe this stuff do you, seriously?

You’re lashing out again.

It’s a widely known fact that suicide rates remain just as high after transition. This isn’t denied by any party … It’s just not used very often - proponents of cutting children up like to only use suicide figures to suit their own agenda.

At the end of the day, you can scream and lash out as much as you want. Clinical psychologists who have dedicated their whole lives to this topic are largely agreed - treat the dysphoria and 90% will accept their body. You spent a few years there screaming at everyone to follow the science… We follow the science and you start posting articles written by headbangers and start screaming at us to not follow the science :person_shrugging:t2:


Have you ever brought that up in a discussion with a trans friend of yours? They’d be very quick to tell you different.

Here’s my two cents on the topic:

I have no issue or truck with adults going ahead with surgery to change gender or with trans people in general.

I don’t think those under 18 should be allowed make a decision or have the decision made for them by parents to take hormone changing drugs or have life altering surgery to assign them another gender. They can be free to dress how they want, wear makeup or whatever but I don’t think they should be having such a major procedure at a young age.


Trans activists in Madrid look just like rugby fans in ireland. Who’da thunk it

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Half of them are the kind of basement dwellers who tell that mad one in Twitter who gets wolf whistled every time she walks through a room that they are sorry she has to suffer this, thinking they can virtue signal their way into the bed of the oul bat.
The other half are forum moderators, mostly on


Good to see an ulster fan stuck in their midst anyhow

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has fallen in erotic love with an oak tree.

Any lad playing conkers needs to have a look in the mirror.

I dunno what thread this comes under but…

I think they were doing a recreation of the tunnel incident in the 1983 All-Ireland football final.

The Police man is obviously a big Paidi O Se/Jonny Giles fan too.

I’d say he prefers Niall Cahalane

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…can’t be easy walking in those heels

ah you’d get used to them after a day.

This will wind the the usual suspects up no end

Do NOT stare into her eyes.