IT Professionals, Guilty

It didn’t knock a shtir out of him either

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@KinvarasPassion whats the fuck were you at:

Preliminary root cause: A recent update to the MFA service introduced a coding issue that prevented users from being able to sign in or carry out self-service password resets when using MFA for authentication.

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That’s a shit root cause.

A “coding issue”.

Basically lads, the root cause is we had a bug

They don’t know who to blame so blaming a coding issue seems the handiest way out

Well in fairness, who hasn’t blamed a Microsoft Update for something they made a balls of themselves.


there’s an awful bang of bullshit off it though

we introduced a bug in to the MFA service. (that’s fair enough)

My first question if I was involved in the MFA service would be, ok, grand, why didn’t ye roll back the MFA service to the version that worked just before ye broke it and leave a 24 hour outage take place?. Ye thick cunts

They probably couldn’t get hold of support

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IT Support aren’t worth a fuck anyway

and if they could it wasn’t on their supplied list of questions with answers…

Probably couldn’t log in themselves

they just work off a knowledge base of answers.

Anything remotely interesting or new and it’s a fucking nightmare.

Although in saying that, trying to get a password changed can be a fucking nightmare too

If there was work on the bed i’d say they’d sleep on the floor.

Calling all IT Professionals.

Have an ancient XP Laptop using Internet Explorer 6 and Java 8 which is required to connect to a PLC. The laptop is on its last legs so we wish to move to a newer laptop but use a Virtual Machine for XP. Is it possible to clone the existing XP hard drive and use that as a backup for the Virtual Machine version of XP on the newer laptop?

Ya that should be no problem.
If you are going to be using VMware it pretty straight forward I think.

Lovely. It seems the easiest thing to do as we know the setup on the XP laptop works and happens to be the only configuration that works… Doesnt work with any other laptop :upside_down_face:

There is drive to vhd tools out there. Leave it with me.

I can help if you’re using hyper v. If you’re using vmware @TreatyStones is your man.

What I did before was use the Converter offered by VMWare on a free trial to convert the physical machine to a VM. After that if you don’t have VMWare licences you can convert the VM to one that will run on VirtualBox which is free.