IT Professionals, Guilty

Most organisations would have external DNS servers for publicly available services. If wormable, it could infect the internal servers. You’d need ports open but not uncommon.

Depending on zones and if the public services forward to internal services. DNS gets messy quick

Is this a new threat?

Only announced yesterday and there’s a patch available in last Tuesdays regularly monthly patch cycle.

What time will you be applying the patch to the TFK servers @Bandage ?

Sound. What about the apes that never turn off their machines, is that an issue or is it just the server?

It’s just a server issue, but servers will need to be patched and rebooted.

Ok thanks.

Is the market starting to heat up again? Seem to have a message from a recruiter every time I log into Linkedin about implementations and projects going on.

it only slowed down in the summer - it’s roasting out there

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I’m using this lockdown to upskill in Selenium Webdriver, Maven and Cucumber. Intense enough course about 20 hours a week on top of working and TFKing.

anyone know how to fix the teams lobby thing where “someone in the meeting will let you in soon”

What do you mean fix?

a workaround. my IT unit are scratching their heads at it. I can get into commission teams meetings fine from my personal laptop but when i use the work one i get the message i put in the first post.

cant use the personal laptop today as the little one is doing her seesaw classwork on it

If you are the organiser you can control it.
If you look at the invite in your calendar you’ll see a link to Meeting Options
Go in there and you can change who can bypass the lobby.

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thanks but im just a participant

On the work one, go to Settings and try to untick “New Meetings Experience”
Then Quit Teams (fully from the task tray, don’t just X it).
Reopen and see how you go.

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Take a hint mate

sent that onto the organiser and it worked. cheers

How do I remove this in Teams?

You might have a few tabs open & when you go back to one tab this bloody thing is there. Or even extend the timer on it?
