IT Professionals, Guilty

have you tried

a) clicking on the “im back” button
b) shoving your thumb up your hole

Have you tried to pay attention in your meetings?

Ok guys thanks for all yere help. :+1:t2:


The market is gone silly in Galway anyway. A serious amount of roles just opened up and more to come.

I’m three interviews in for a new role myself. Down to the final three candidates with one interview to go. Problem is my former boss (both of us were shifted to a new team as part of an integration from being acquired) is also in the mix and would be a bit more connected politically than me but I have a punchers chance.


All of a sudden in Teams when I try to dial someone there is no ring tone before the call is answered… This is a small issue but it is wrecking my head

Wow… 4 fucking interviews?

A few new players cropping up in Galway that are worth a look.

It is a senior leadership role with dotted line reporting :roll_eyes:

So three different bosses in essence so three stage gates so far. Technical interview, Global lead and then country lead so far all around 45 minutes each on zoom.

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Fucking madness and overkill in my opinion.
The very best of luck.

I gets the feeling it is a very political role and won’t be overly put out if I don’t get it.

Could the three of them not interview you at the same time ffs.

Best of luck with it by the way.

Remember when @Big_Dan_Campbell couldn’t use excel. It takes a parish to raise a child :clap::clap::clap:

Eir’s SIP network has shit the bed. Some fucking clowns.

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@mickee321 , are nearing the end of semiconductor advancement?

BBC News - Apple iPhone 12: The chip advance set to make smartphones smarter

7 minute abs!

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we ar nearly at the stage where transistor gate lengths are atomic levels allright @Ambrose_McNulty.
TSMC claim to have a functioning 3nm mode in some form of production but yeah we really are scaling to the end of the road map defined by the ITRS back in 2014

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Sounds like they got compromised by the Exchange vulnerability.

Any experience with Microsoft Citrix @TreatyStones ?

No, afraid not

it’s a ballache, when did microsoft buy them?