IT Professionals, Guilty

Insurance companies are the cause of all this.
Past 2 or 3 years they’ve been paying out huge money.

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They’re the cause of most fraud

It’s a good way to sell policies


The payouts have soared now though so they’ve started welching on clients. Finding excuses to get out of paying

Yeah I thought the cover was fairly shite now and didn’t cover lots of stuff and any human error makes it a cod.

Attacking a health system is serious business though.

You’d wonder what goes on behind scenes all the time with attempts on nuclear reactors and airports etc.

There was a great story about a shipping company that was hit. They were fucked but found a computer in Africa not connected to network and all the data was there.

This is it

This one from December has tech companies shitting it.

Step through your cyber security policy and see what it really covers you for… Fuck all unless you’ve preventative measures in place.

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That was my understanding too.

Most of these attacks are not reported. I know of four or five in last month off top of my head.

In fairness to the HSE they’ve really tightened up things in past few years but the vastness of the infrastructure means there are still multiple vulnerabilities across networks along with having multiple Breda’s in accounts who’ll click on anything that moves.

The latest version of certain AV tools claim to prevent Conti so hopefully that will have stemmed some of the rot but once AD admin accounts are compromised then its easy enough disable AV.

Its a wake up call to anyone who manages corporate infrastructure and data.

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When you have the top cybersecurity companies getting breached themselves it tells you what you are up against.


Most of the car factory’s in England are shut due to this

HSE out of hours IT service is almost non existent. The boys knew well the best time to launch this attack. If one system goes down during the night in a hospital, it could take 12 hours to get it sorted. HSE don’t take IT seriously at all…as evidenced by the amount of computers in hospitals and health centres still working off Windows 7.

That’s the problem with hospital big wigs working 9-5. The hospital essentially closes at that time in their minds. Their lax attitude to security and outdated operating systems is returning to haunt them now.


Its mad to think the hses poor IT infrastructure has been highlighted on here several times particularly over the last year. @Copper_pipe and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy have developed more powerful excel sheets than the hse to track the vaccination roll out and delivery schedules.

I’m sure Paul Reid will be giving them a call. Jobs for our boys

There’s a pc in our office. It takes up to 7 seconds for some tasks to be performed on it. Tasks like clicking on a patient file, something that should take no more than one second max to open. We’ve first asked management to sort it 12 months ago, and every month since, but nothing’s been done. Nobody wants to make anything work in the HSE. Any problems that need addressing are just swept under carpet. “We’ll address it at a later point in time” is a favourite line of theirs.

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I’d say if you trawled the HR systems and pulled out all those who get a hefty on call allowance you’d be surprised… Whether they answer the phone or not is a completely different story :joy:

I’m handy with the DataWrapper :joy:

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I have no idea what that is. I do everything on my excel :rofl::rofl:

I nearly took it on as an elective. It was a close call and lucky break.