IT Professionals, Guilty

Few jokes knocking around here but has anybody stood back and looked at the bigger picture. There’s patients lives at stake here. Apointments and procedures are going to be missed. Waiting list will lengthen. People will die.

If these guys are caught, which I suppose is unlikely, the death penalty wouldn’t go amiss.

They are basically killing people.

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Just like the last year so

Caught? Are you having a laugh? These lads operate openly in Russia and China. No one is catching them as those countries don’t give a fuck.

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They need to start imposing some sort of sanctions on countries that allow these cyber gangs to operate with impunity

A strongly worded letter from MiggleD to Vlad.

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A caustic poem


They’ve their hands on data that the HSE didn’t even know they had. They should keep the lads on retainer.

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Would ya pay it

Not a hope.

They’ll have to.

Half the keys they give back don’t work, you’d still be fucked even if you’ve paid

I think they have no choice but to pay it

At least they’re dealing with businessmen, not a bunch of criminals.

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They are using the car salesman 19,999 technique. 20m would be robbery

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Reminds me of an old Geraldo show with blank gang members

“Son when you look in the mirror what do you see”

“Geraldo, I see a bidniz man”

All depends on your backups.
Even if you pay you can’t bring the systems backup until you done a full network audit and ensure you’ve all the vulnerabilities fixed.

If you have the backups available you’d be aswell starting from scratch. The data they have doesn’t sound overly important and I think there would be a level of understanding from the public if it was leaked that wouldn’t be there for a corporation.

Time for some wet work. Some brains need to be spread across walls in Eastern Europe.

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A weight of 700 GB Jesus it must take a hape of men to lift dem servers around with all the files in dem.

[sarcasm]Yerra, I’ve that much in my porn collection.[/sarcasm]