IT Professionals, Guilty

Are you not asking for trouble then?

Would there be anything to be said for ringing Vlad in all seriousness?

Unless the hackers are stupid, they’ll get the ransom, tidy up and move on. As I said, a blackmail situation is the last thing the hackers want. They need quick, painless payment. In their best interests to get it, hand back the keys to the kingdom and move on.

Getting into a blackmail situation will lead to massive problems and further attacks. They won’t back down, not paying the ransom isn’t going to make them go away

The buck has stopped here, because somewhere along the line in the HSE or government, it has reached someone who has a massive ego, who is unwilling to pay because he/she thinks it will reflect badly on them.

It’s not blackmail sure. You just pay Vlad and he pays the attackers and everyone can pretend it never happened

and therefore admitting state involvement. Come on Julio lad

I’m hearing that they’re backups are in a better position that first anticipated. The first thing you do in these cases is drop everything to stop the spread. They’ll probably get everything back up in a few weeks but it takes time. Every server has to be brought up in isolation and scanned.

Fuck the day breach at this stage, the horse has bolted.

Come on man, you don’t give Vlad a fucking brown envelope. There are a million ways around it.

Vlad we are having a problem here.
I see that, these hackers are an awful nuisance.
We can’t negotiate with these lads, anything you can do to help.
Afraid not but we have a bunch of lads here who are experts in file recovery and could have you back up and running in a week. Cost about €20m.
Ideal Vlad, there’s a bottle of Jameson in the post for you

cc @TheBird @LionelRitchie

This will only work on the PC/Laptop version of Chrome.


Looks legit

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You don’t pay the hackers.
You hire a consultant for €20m to resolve the situation.

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and the consultant will consult that you need to pay the 20m to the hackers :smiley:

That was what I was saying…


Joe Duffy had some sort of IT expert on the other day, this buck has history with hacking and other nefarious scams. He’s seen the light now though.

The conversation is interrupted by another called who professed knowledge of how to deal with Kasimir’s guff telling the audience how he’d fought of a cyber attack years ago…Joe’s audience have the pencils out…

Ctrl-alt-delete announces Jamesie, problem gone, toora-loo scammer.

Works for him every time and was glad to be of national assistance.


I wonder did he ever have to escalate to ‘cleaning the gunk out of the mouse’?


These lads have it all figured out


would an excel spreadsheet on kids with mental health issues who are suing the HSE but which contains all sorts of medical information, including possibly scans etc, reach to 700 GB?