IT Professionals, Guilty


this fella is like when they do command prompts in movies.

he’s making up his own version of the chat thing.

  1. Its not on yellow paper.
  2. Not registered post
  3. The garda isn’t wearing his/her hat

Eh??? No. It’s a tweet

Would explain the above so.

Good luck finding them…

A user with IP address has been locked out from signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Exceeded the maximum number of login failures which is: 8. The last username they tried to sign in with was: ‘modestmomswrestling7’.



you can get an order for service of proceedings or an order by pretty much any method these days. i got an order to serve divorce papers by facebook one time

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Ah ffs the secrets out. I love pineapple in pizzas

I have only recently started using Microsoft’s immersive reader tool.

A game changer - unbelievable to run through a long winded or technical document.

Please explain……

Be ideal for your posts on Clare hurling

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The Kaseya hack was some piece of work.
Over 1 million machines encrypted and the hackers looking for $75m to unlock them.

I’ve been tasked with putting together a disaster recovery plan for our place.

Just take an image using Acronis and hope for the best :slight_smile:

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I’d always give that job to someone I didn’t like. Just saying.

I’ve the direct line to the Russians and the Romanians. :wink:

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