IT Professionals, Guilty

did @myboyblue free them?

@EstebanSexface I got this working.
As I mentioned it was working for everything bar one work sheet (which was only a summary page and not actually part of the audit), so I got a bit of VB code that will delete that sheet from the workbook before the main audit routine starts running through it.


nice start of a Tuesday. Feet up, son

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This bot is actually my proudest creation. Cuts a manual auditing job that took anywhere from 30 mins to 3 hours down to around 90 seconds.

Saves around 60 hours a month.


make sure your bosses know about it.

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He needs to be careful or he might do himself out of a job.

we aren’t in the 70’s mate.

Christ don’t you know the spiel you’ve to give staff for projects like this?

“You’ve nothing to fear with automation, this robot will free you up to focus on higher value add and more interesting tasks”.
“By the way, you’re finishing up Friday”.

Tasks like fixing the robot. :wink:

A report has been published on the HSE cyber attack




Outdated wankers in the HSE it dept if they even have one

They always talk about sophisticated attacks but 99% of them start with either a phishing email or brute forcing RDP.

Poor 58 year old Nuala in accounts is going to carry the can for this after opening up the free cruise.xlsx document .


Mandatory Security Awareness Training for the thick cunts.


Sounds more like it was excel file that most likely had a malicious macro embedded.

Don’t allow Macros to run by default in your organisation.


Didn’t read the report but I assume a domain admin account was hijacked at some point and MFA would have prevented that… But yeah a macro probably kicked things off.

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Not necessarily, once they have any foothold in the network they’ll extract admin credentials from memory on a machine handy enough, especially when a share of machines were running older versions of Windows.

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Seems very lax to be able to go from one fucking ape clicking a link, to taking down a whole network. Would you not be able to tell someone was over in Vladivostok reading Mary’s arthritis files?