IT Professionals, Guilty

They recommend using internet explorer. No wonder they were hacked.

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Its a savage excuse considering payroll was one of the top priorities to restore. Tight cunts. You’ll have a great Christmas when it’s paid

My wife has only done overtime during the last six weeks. To find out why you’ll have to search my posts for the last six months.

The taxman will have a great Christmas.

No doubt those cunts get paid

No doubt is right. And those higher up the pay scale I’m sure aren’t affected either.

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Maybe it varies from place to place my wan has been getting paid her overtime. Prior to the pandemic she took her OT as time owing.

@EstebanSexface any ideas on this.

I’m trying to modify something I built previously with a fair bit of help from someone who knew what they were at.

Original Condition was


It would iterate through a designated column and any cells populated with an ID number would be pulled into a data table to run a comparison.

But now the criteria have changed and I need it to pull in Alphanumeric IDs so I changed it to the below

Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(UserID)

This works fine for 90% of the job, but there’s one sheet where the column is populated with all text. I’d like it to ignore that if possible.
So basically I want it to pull in the USERID where it’s all numeric, or a mix of letters and numbers, but ignore if it’s all text. Am I looking at trying to do some sort of RegEx?

I’m just finishing up 9 holes. I’ll take a look after supper

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logically, you’re just looking to see if the id has a number in it - so you can check for the existence of one number - and not care about the rest. You want numbers or a mix of alphanumeric, so if there’s one number you can assume it’s both and not check for no numbers if you get me…

don’t know if there’s a built in for this in excel?


try that but on your column

=ISNUMBER might do the same thing


Ya thats it actually.

This is for UiPath which is looking up excel, I’m not sure of exactly what options exist but I’ll try it along those lines and see what my options are

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Gimme a shout if you need me to find a way using that.

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/d is the regex anyway, I assume uipath caters for those expressions

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@TreatyStones out of interest…

Why is this data being presented to you in excel format for analysis? Sounds like that data would merit being pulled from an SQL back end?

It’s a tool I built to audit reports generated by a system. It’s not overly complicated and I think working off the reports is the best way to go for a number of long winded reasons.

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Sound. Will be Wednesday before I look at it again.

Did you get this going?

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I haven’t gotten the chance to look at it again.
Fridays are usually the day for playing around with that kinda thing, but it’s been fairly manic.

They’ll forget about it and I’ll forget about it until they need to run month end reports and we’ll all be in a panic.

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Comcast are down in the States. A lot of people with no internet access today.

There’ll be a lot of people wandering out of basements for the first time in years