IT Professionals, Guilty

They have hired a lot of permo staff in past year with a view to transitioning away from contractor’s. They have all the big boys in their (KPMG) at phenomenal daily rates.


Probably a similar issue with the contract tracing where they were initially to hire contractors but the wokesters complained about zero hours contract type terms and Champ caved in authorised thousands of permanent public service gigs to people who won’t be needed in the long term. You’ll probably get an army of IT security bods investigating the HSE hack for six months and on the public books for another 30 years.

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Imagine paying some students minimum wage on zero hour contracts to bear the brunt of nuala who can’t get her pcr test result because the HSE hack.

The contractor model during covid has really showed how to get projects done. The hope is that they can transition these learning to their permo staff and get efficent product development life cycles… :thinking:

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The students don’t want to leave their homes, they’re part of the zero Covid brigade
Have you witnessed the NUIG shenanigans the past week?

Tell us more…

(Major cyber issue there recently too incidentally)

There has been an apparently massive vulnerability found in recent days that allows remote code execution on any device/system that runs the log4j logging system. Apparently its the defacto logging system in use in most websites and online platforms.

I’m going to try and hack TFK using it later tonight. @Rocko

@KinvarasPassion if you have external facing systems that accept user input you need to look at it immediately.


I’ve noted this and appreciate the heads up but Maureen in OCC Health who clicks on anything that moves remains my number one priority. I’m escalating the option of early retirement for her with the Pensions Dept currently.


Would it be best to put such a person in a virtual offline where everything they think they’re doing is not in real time but a ‘sandbox’
They’ll just think their computer is a bit slow and tell them you don’t mind if they watch cat videos on their phone during the downtime

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Zero covid is great when it suits your alternative motives

I’m pleased to confirm that log4j is a Java library. TFK is based on ruby and therefore is not exposed.


There will be some scramble to find Certs of originality on all the open source code that was fired into apps in the past 2 decades.

Why can’t they just leave us alone.

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Explain this one to me ?

@EstebanSexface and @cluaindiuic might have a more informed update.

Alot of software houses mingle open source code with their native in house code. Why reinvent the wheel if its there already type argument. The open source code will have gone through various tests and approval processes, certification so it’s generally fine to use but you need to log it and track it and keep a record of all open source modules. I would suggest that quite a few companies don’t have an accurate track of this.

Once you fork from open source it becomes yours in essence. Anything you change is your IP. If its supported OS code then you wouldn’t go near it. You’d treat it like any piece of software that performs a function.

Is there a license change happening with open source stuff that brings you to this opinion?

Any of ye use yubi keys?

It’s a little device to ensure you’re physically at the machine you say you are.

We’re at quintuple factor authentication at this stage.


Password, verification, key, verification?

Another device to support :key:

Something you know, something you have , something you are, something you do