IT Professionals, Guilty

Somewhere you are


2 different fellas in two different companies… Both doing a bit of catching up over the weekend.

“Some open source wont let you take the code either”

“We have to detail owners and copyright and many are not Apache and have their own license terms”

“If you fork you also have to fix vulnerabilities. Not easy”

Causing havoc industry wide this one.


The critical tickets were HOPPING over this yesterday


security weirdos are panicking and recommending immediate patching and resolutions.

I have two clients that are impacted with licensed technology, covering a major part of their infrastructure. Arguing with middle managers who want to patch the appliances. The vendor have said wait for a software update because the workaround will break upgrade paths in future. The muppets still want to apply the workaround to save maybe .5 of a days exposure, which will lead to 1.5 years worth of work for me as a consultant when the upgrade path breaks.

It’s a mugs game

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So you are obviously encouraging them to do the workaround now

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I’m not mate. I’m encouraging them to hold out for the patch, knowing full well they won’t and I can then say I told you so and charge them more when they ask me to fix it


they’ve decided to utilize the workaround, even though they are at least n-3 on versions and won’t even upgrade to a newer version to not be stuck on this version forever… if they jumped a version before the workaround they’d be free to do whatever the fuck they liked.

Some people are just morons

Stock up on peanuts

Mike in HR clicked on a link apparently

Some Indian crowd are looking for an IT consultant in Dublin for fairly niche expertise. I have at least 10 different Indian recruiters emailing and LinkedIn’ing me since Monday about it.

I assume they put a specific search term and my profile came up


They’re trying to curry favour.

Time to revisit the disaster recovery plan, some amount of attacks being thwarted at the minute. The defenses are getting well tested.

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What sort of thing? Phishing / malicious emails or more sophisticated?

this mainly.

Geraldine keeps clicking and in fairness to her and I’m being kind here… the emails are getting a bit smarter and the fake O365 login screens look a bit more real to the untrained eye.


Unfortunately a good attack and you won’t even know its happened.

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Ye’ll have to print off Geraldine’s emails and let her read and respond to them OFFLINE. It’s what she really wants anyway.

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Geraldine downloaded a bit of malware recently but thankfully the immune system kicked in and nailed it before we knew there was an issue.

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Thats a fairly close call alright.
The sooner we eliminate people the better.