Italian Football- Europe's Shame

He should certainly contemplate changing employers

Maybe ply his trade in a country that’s not a racist cesspit.

Exactly. Somewhere your teammates and manager will back you against racism instead of blaming you for it and or accusing you of being thick

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I believe so. Much like the woman should give up going outside the door.

If there was no black fellas playing soccer then there would be no racist chanting at matches. Problem solved.

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thats exactly it. If all the rappers stayed inside and didnt show themselves, then there would be no racism.

similarly, if all women didnt leave their house, then that would end all rapes

An easy way to fix the problem really, make the people who are victims stop being so provocative and the rotten racists and rapists have nothing to do anymore

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If the Muslims had stayed in the Middle East and not gone to New Zealand there wouldn’t have been a mass shooting of Muslims in New Zealand.


I think we’re onto something here lads.

I wonder is there some sort of camp that they could all be sent away to either, keep them all in the one spot so there definitely would be no sign of them, and the social problems would all disappear.

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He celebrated in front them. He brought it all on himself.

How did his celebrating in front of them after he scored bring on the racist abuse he suffered before he scored?

Because he should know there all racists so ignore them. All they want is attention. Celebrate in front of his own fans instead he decides to celebrate in front of the people abusing them. Then cries as the victim. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions anymore.

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The Italians are the greatest nation on the planet. Their football fans could teach English fans a thing or two about creating an atmosphere.
This thread is a sham :nerd_face:


You didn’t answer my question.

it’s a fucking travesty that this is now about how a young man celebrated a goal, that’s the narrative. Not the fact that he had been racially abused for 80 minutes up to then.



The problem today is what most atmospheres at soccer are “created “ . Real atmosphere should be organic and raw . Modern soccer everywhere is largely shit and contrived .

Was he not a victim before he scored?

In fairness to Moise Kean. He has not played the victim. His only contribution seems to have been a post of a picture of his celebration.

He hasn’t cried foul. Others have done that for him.

And, yes, he was a victim before he scored

Still it’s interesting that @anon32894817 doesn’t consider him a victim of racist abuse for what he was subjected to prior to his celebration. Bizarre

and if he didn’t like it, well he should just jolly well get on with it.