Italian Football- Europe's Shame

No that’s Paudie O’Se you’re thinking of mate-Darragh O’Se is a BDO darts player. His nickname is Silverback-that’s probably what threw you.

[quote=“artfoley, post: 742276, member: 179”]horseshit, you were acting the cunt and its well you know it. kib told you something in confidence and you used your knowledge in a ham fisted attempt to stop his celtic paedo shite. theres been plenty of dead peoples whos names you havent stopped being dragged through the mud .

its looking a lot like this cahillesque mod behaviour could be the sites jump the shark moment[/quote]
He didn’t tell me in confidence. He forwarded on a PM he had sent to you and accused me and Bandage of reading it already. Which wasn’t the case. He also asked me for advice on the matter years ago and I told him what I know on the matter which is precious little.

I’ve consistently asked people to refrain from the unfunny paedo gags. I actually thought KiB Man might understand that better than most given what he had written in that PM before. Evidently not.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 742284, member: 273”]You did enough to embarrass, as someone who has everyone’s details you have a degree of power. Although on this site most people know at least one other person or have a name.

Still you knew what you were doing. We all take a good bit if shit here, most of it is fun. But whatever kib says about Jock Stein does not equate to you actually knowing something about KIB’s family issues and using it in tit for tat. Unless of course you are related to Jock. Abuse of power I believe.[/quote]
I don’t see why it’s abuse of power. I didn’t reveal or even refer to anything that I know about because I administrate this site. I don’t have any “details” about the guy other than his email address which has no relevance here. He told me openly about his issue. I remain surprised that he was so worried about unfounded slurs and continued to just make broad statements himself in the interests of shock value.

He chose to share a slightly amended version of events with everyone and I won’t dispute the few things he did change. But he didn’t have to and none of it was a related to the fact I have a degree of power.

Correct, they are both second cousins of Usain Bolt i believe. Simple mistake to make TASE.

When can we expect The Runts poem on this?

[quote=“KIB man, post: 742249, member: 208”]

So that’s the story. Fairly shameful that I have to defend myself like this but so be it. Found TFK great for catching up on football banter and news from Ireland. But that’s it this time[/quote]

KIB man

[quote=“Rocko, post: 742319, member: 1”]He didn’t tell me in confidence. He forwarded on a PM he had sent to you and accused me and Bandage of reading it already. Which wasn’t the case. He also asked me for advice on the matter years ago and I told him what I know on the matter which is precious little.

I’ve consistently asked people to refrain from the unfunny paedo gags. I actually thought KiB Man might understand that better than most given what he had written in that PM before. Evidently not.

I don’t see why it’s abuse of power. I didn’t reveal or even refer to anything that I know about because I administrate this site. I don’t have any “details” about the guy other than his email address which has no relevance here. He told me openly about his issue. I remain surprised that he was so worried about unfounded slurs and continued to just make broad statements himself in the interests of shock value.

He chose to share a slightly amended version of events with everyone and I won’t dispute the few things he did change. But he didn’t have to and none of it was a related to the fact I have a degree of power.[/quote]

Well it’s not very manly so to use it, there would be a certain unwritten gentlemans rule not to bring up such a thing. it’s all about power really, he would never have mentioned any of it to you were you not the guy running the site.

Some of your mates won’t pipe up and say it, but basically you look like a bit of a cunt here.

i was just actually thinking the same thing when i saw your post

in fairness KIB man volunteered and posted the information here , Rocko didnt do it or “force” him to post it, he ( the accused - Rocko) certainly didnt repost a PM that he was sent in confidence from KIB, i agree tho it was a little much of Rocko to refer to a conversation they previously had via PM as he got pissed off that KIB was having a few digs at some football club in scotland of all places that for some bizarre reason he has an affinity towards…

Rocko’s post above there remineded me of lapsed poster “the puke’s” meltdown in the threats of violenve thread when the walls were coming crashing down on the same poster.

Rocko talking a whole load of shite here. You turn a blind eye to TASE, or whatever the gobshite calls himself, constantly using child abuse to slag off the GAA. Yet are willing to use the details of a PM KIB man sent you in order smear him. Shocking double standards.

I think Mickee called you out on this pretty accurately.

[quote=“Rocko, post: 742319, member: 1”]He didn’t tell me in confidence. He forwarded on a PM he had sent to you and accused me and Bandage of reading it already. Which wasn’t the case. He also asked me for advice on the matter years ago and I told him what I know on the matter which is precious little.

I’ve consistently asked people to refrain from the unfunny paedo gags. I actually thought KiB Man might understand that better than most given what he had written in that PM before. Evidently not.

I don’t see why it’s abuse of power. I didn’t reveal or even refer to anything that I know about because I administrate this site. I don’t have any “details” about the guy other than his email address which has no relevance here. He told me openly about his issue. I remain surprised that he was so worried about unfounded slurs and continued to just make broad statements himself in the interests of shock value.

He chose to share a slightly amended version of events with everyone and I won’t dispute the few things he did change. But he didn’t have to and none of it was a related to the fact I have a degree of power.[/quote]

the clue is in “private” which means in confidence. and if you cant be trusted to keep a simple confidence how can you be trusted with the powers of mod?

[quote=“carryharry, post: 742323, member: 1517”]KIB man

i understand that you’re a bit of a greenhorn around here pal so you wouldnt really know the ropes but i can assure you this has not been the first time KIB man has threatened to go missing

Duly noted.

Rocko, KIB Man, can I suggest that this thread is deleted and the two of you find some way of coming to an understanding, whereby Rocko, you apologise to KIB Man for being an utter cunt and KIB Man, you promise never to make paedo references about Celtic again. Then can we have TASE banned the next time he makes a paedo GAA reference.

And can we for fucks sake get the Dunph back.

Dark times for TFK. Though that could be because I haven’t put MBB back on ignore yet.

I was going to query who would be the Gerry Collins of this, should have guessed it would that gobshite fitzy.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 742327, member: 273”]Well it’s not very manly so to use it, there would be a certain unwritten gentlemans rule not to bring up such a thing. it’s all about power really, he would never have mentioned any of it to you were you not the guy running the site.

Some of your mates won’t pipe up and say it, but basically you look like a bit of a cunt here.[/quote]
Why on earth would anyone tell me something because I’m the admin of TFK? That makes no sense. I don’t know how many other people he said it to other than Art. But I said nothing other than a general “people in glasshouses…” type statement which KiB Man replied to because he chose to.

Shit, really have to fix that.

There’s no fixing what’s wrong with you, now fuck off and let this thread continue to develop.

I just want it on record that Fisty PMed me recently about a sticky situation that he is in. Unfortunately its a vile and heinous act he engaged in

You don’t have to trust me. Just enjoy me.

And as I said already I didn’t post anything informative, he could have just dismissed it but chose not to. I’m sure he has his reasons but they aren’t obvious to me anyway.

A general point by the way:
Way back years ago I told people not to treat PMs as a secure environment. They’re not. They’re called personal conversations now and for a good reason. On no website should you believe that things you say ostensibly in private are inaccessible.

Holy shit, Rocko has leaped to the top of the que in being the biggest cunt on here.

Defending himself into a hole. Seeing him for what he is now.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 742351, member: 273”]Holy shit, Rocko has leaped to the top of the que in being the biggest cunt on here.

Defending himself into a hole. Seeing him for what he is now.[/quote]
Queue mate.