Italian Football- Europe's Shame

I’ll go back and edit my original post if that makes Kevin and Arthur feel better.

[quote=“Sandymount Red, post: 742329, member: 1074”]Rocko talking a whole load of shite here. You turn a blind eye to TASE, or whatever the gobshite calls himself, constantly using child abuse to slag off the GAA. Yet are willing to use the details of a PM KIB man sent you in order smear him. Shocking double standards.

I think Mickee called you out on this pretty accurately.[/quote]
I didn’t use any details. My post was innocuous and just referred to what he had previously said. It highlighted his hypocrisy and he could have left it at that. But KIB takes the Internet very seriously when it suits him and freely decided to post something that he probably shouldn’t have.

I think the fact that the act is vile and heinous means that it is ok to share, mate.

Too late for that, makes no odds to me, it was kib who you attempted tI cause big embarrassment to. Looking to defend yourself with spelling corrections and a half assed backtrack makes you look even more of a cunt.

I’d stop now if I were you, you have outted yourself as the little hitler you clearly are.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 742372, member: 273”]Too late for that, makes no odds to me, it was kib who you attempted tI cause big embarrassment to. Looking to defend yourself with spelling corrections and a half assed backtrack makes you look even more of a cunt.

I’d stop now if I were you, you have outted yourself as the little hitler you clearly are.[/quote]
It was a joke. If I edit my post it won’t matter because there was nothing relevant in it. I was making a point through a humorous suggestion.


[quote=“Rocko, post: 742346, member: 1”]

A general point by the way:
Way back years ago I told people not to treat PMs as a secure environment. They’re not. They’re called personal conversations now and for a good reason. On no website should you believe that things you say ostensibly in private are inaccessible.[/quote]

Thinly veiled “I sit up all night reading your PM’s”

Another jibe from you. Given your history I’m surprised you find the IT jibes so witty.

Right, if you insist on bringing it up.

A few years ago, I got my mickey stuck in the CD tray of my computer. As Rocko is an admin of a internet message board, I thought he would be the ideal person to ask for advice on how to extricate my member from the tray. I sent him a detailed PM, with pictures, seeking his counsel. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to help me but did advise that I contact Darragh O’Se who in turn was indeed able to help me free myself.

It’s an outrageous breach of trust that you have forced me into admitting all this.
It was fun while it lasted. So long, I’m outta here.

If anyone wants to chat privately in relation to this thread try;

[quote=“The Runt, post: 742392, member: 181”]Right, if you insist on bringing it up.

A few years ago, I got my mickey stuck in the CD tray of my computer. As Rocko is an admin of a internet message board, I thought he would be the ideal person to ask for advice on how to extricate my member from the tray. I sent him a detailed PM, with pictures, seeking his counsel. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to help me but did advise that I contact Darragh O’Se who in turn was indeed able to help me free myself.

It’s an outrageous breach of trust that you have forced me into admitting all this.
It was fun while it lasted. So long, I’m outta here.[/quote]


[quote=“carryharry, post: 742393, member: 1517”]If anyone wants to chat privately in relation to this thread try;[/quote]

christ, i thought we had gotten rid of this nasty element after TAN left us
Rocko, ban this scumbag FFS

[quote=“mickee321, post: 742398, member: 367”]christ, i thought we had gotten rid of this nasty element after TAN left us
Rocko, ban this scumbag FFS[/quote]

Ambrose is not a defender, end of discussion lads. Now let’s all move on.

in Rocko’s defense here , KIB man willingly posted what he posted so people need to take that on board before casting judgement, it wa a low blow from Rocko to have a dig like that as he must of known it would touch a nerve but still he was not in cortrol of what KIB man was to reply, it was a pretty reckless response in fairness from KIB man, a warts and all post like that on a public forum probably wont do anyone any good,
the fallout was diastrous for Rocko, Kev and Foley were picking him off with ease forcing Rocko to backtrack and try to laugh the incident off with jokes about spelling inaccuracies, making him look even more guilty, even tho he in truth commited no crime, he just showed us how vicious an admin can be when his “power” is questioned,
kev raised a pressing point as well that we all know at least one person on the board, this is new information to me as i ( as far as i am aware) dont know anyone,
In short the inicdent is similar to the last year when fenwaypark got all high an mighty claiming i launched a premeditated attack on him and came out revealing his personal issues to the board that i had no prior knowledege resulting in the the resident screaming marys on here having a hissy fit accusing of all sorts of shit,
that was a tough time for me as i recieved several treats therafter thru PM from 2 seasoned posters on here ( not FP),
Rocko if you need any tips on how to deal with this kind of thing please PM me


lock the thread
also defending in the budesliga is average and no better or worse then the EPL with many defenders from tier 2 nations plying their trade there

[quote=“mickee321, post: 742405, member: 367”]in Rocko’s defense here , KIB man willingly posted what he posted so people need to take that on board before casting judgement, it wa a low blow from Rocko to have a dig like that as he must of known it would touch a nerve but still he was not in cortrol of what KIB man was to reply, it was a pretty reckless response in fairness from KIB man, a warts and all post like that on a public forum probably wont do anyone any good,
the fallout was diastrous for Rocko, Kev and Foley were picking him off with ease forcing Rocko to backtrack and try to laugh the incident off with jokes about spelling inaccuracies, making him look even more guilty, even tho he in truth commited no crime, he just showed us how vicious an admin can be when his “power” is questioned,
kev raised a pressing point as well that we all know at least one person on the board, this is new information to me as i ( as far as i am aware) dont know anyone,
In short the inicdent is similar to the last year when fenwaypark got all high an mighty claiming i launched a premeditated attack on him and came out revealing his personal issues to the board that i had no prior knowledege resulting in the the resident screaming marys on here having a hissy fit accusing of all sorts of shit,
that was a tough time for me as i recieved several treats therafter thru PM from 2 seasoned posters on here ( not FP),
Rocko if you need any tips on how to deal with this kind of thing please PM me[/quote]


Poor mickee doesn’t know which rectum Rocko[/USER] [USER=208]KIB man, to rest his tongue. :smiley:


all i take from this sorry affair is that Mickee is a wanker…i’m happy with my findings…