Italian Football- Europe's Shame

nice to see runt play the cormac/fallon to rockos afr. hopefully the synchronising between the short lads will reap benefits when they don their oompah loompah costumes come halloween.

just had a look back at the pm thread and in it rocko gives assurances to kib man regarding the privacy of the pm thus confirming his cuntishness.

[quote=“artfoley, post: 742447, member: 179”]nice to see runt play the cormac/fallon to rockos afr. hopefully the synchronising between the short lads will reap benefits when they don their oompah loompah costumes come halloween.

just had a look back at the pm thread and in it rocko gives assurances to kib man regarding the privacy of the pm thus confirming his cuntishness.[/quote]

Well considering the runt was cormac or fallon (I can’t remember which one) it’s only right.

[quote=“artfoley, post: 742447, member: 179”]
just had a look back at the pm thread and in it rocko gives assurances to kib man regarding the privacy of the pm thus confirming his cuntishness.[/quote]
What a strange thing to say! I said nothing about keeping anything private. I assured him that I am the only person who can read PMs sent to other people but that I wouldn’t be bothered.

A few more things have occurred to me though:

  1. Can people stop taking Art seriously when he claims to be a legal expert? His “qualification”, which he shared openly, is a little weaker than he’s been letting on.

  2. Prompted by the physically perfect Art, I have actually gone back and read the PM that KiB Man sent on to me again and, forgive me if I find this a little humorous, but that wasn’t even the incident I was referring to. That should have been apparent from my post but he seems to have missed it and jumped in with the contents of a different conversation about a different person.

  3. Obviously this is sort of awkward to prove, particularly since he left in a huff, but I always assumed the PM he forwarded on from Art and the one he sent me were about the same thing. They aren’t. Different people and different events.

  4. Not sure how two vaguely similar events occurred in his family but there you go. Maybe he made one or both of them up to find out advice about the other one. I don’t know.

No doubt some people think I shouldn’t even have referred to a PM. For the record, I think that’s an awfully strange attitude to take to conversations with strangers on the Internet.

As a gesture of goodwill I’m willing to take KIB Man back on board at any time on condition that his first 50 posts are made in the Dungeon and on payment of a 5k fine to the Sportsbook.

Art, why didn’t you get all high and mighty when I told everyone on here that you emailed me a copy of your ‘qualification’ to settle an argument that wasn’t an argument?

I only sent it on to the core 60 or 70 posters we had at the time by the way so none of the newer lads would have seen it.


CM is a fucking genius.:clap:

[quote=“Mac, post: 742475, member: 109”]Art, why didn’t you get all high and mighty when I told everyone on here that you emailed me a copy of your ‘qualification’ to settle an argument that wasn’t an argument?

I only sent it on to the core 60 or 70 posters we had at the time by the way so none of the newer lads would have seen it.[/quote]

cos i knew youd do that you hook nosed cunt. you dont hold yourself out as a paragon of virtue

Big words from the ‘legal professional’. The lads in the CPSU were right about you from the start.

and what lads would they be?

Nice try.

Your double standards are sickening.

art & Mac, what’s the background to your public falling out?

He is a fat prick…

[quote=“Mac, post: 742489, member: 109”]Nice try.

Your double standards are sickening.[/quote]

in other words youre talking out of your hole, nobody in cpsu would know me.

its not double standards: you are hook nosed cunt whom i voluntarily gave information knowing full well youre not to be trusted and that the info would be disseminated. rocko is tbs owner of the website and is not given the information to do with as he pleases. higher standards are required and he has shown himself to be lacking in this regard.

I actually like Art and have a lot of time for him. It just amuses me how he reacts to every jibe in such a personal manner and how he considers himself a legal authority.

Dont take the thread off topic ffs.

Kib is a sound ould skin infairness…

Some of ye nut jobs take yer Internet way too serious…

And totti is a fat prick…

[quote=“Faldo, post: 742502, member: 1520”]Kib is a sound ould skin infairness…

Some of ye nut jobs take yer Internet way too serious…

And totti is a fat prick…[/quote]
I’d be careful if I were you, the doggy lads will be calling you in the middle of the night any day now if you keep that up.

Wrong thread, pal.

[quote=“Faldo, post: 742502, member: 1520”]Kib is a sound ould skin infairness…

Some of ye nut jobs take yer Internet way too serious…

And totti is a fat prick…[/quote]

I most certainly am not. I am lean and handsome, I am looking more and more like Claudio Marchisio every day.

KIB man himself divulged the information. Or have I completely lost the plot?

This thread is like a subplot from Twinpeaks.