Italy - a failed society

Both Socialism and capitalism have failed guys.
We need a revolution

Same lad that poured the concrete for this got the spurs gig

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Top barb, mate, top top barb. I’m not sure how anybody could ever come back from that.

Are you sure it wasn’t the same guy who got the Manchester United gig? After all, his attitude is to just stick any old shite into the mixer.

Ive never met a nice itilian…they are all cunts

They have a great history. They were tramped over by every European power, every plague and every misfortune, yet still managed to produce the best of food, music, painting, craftsmanship and sculpture.
They’re not a country or a people in any unified sense of the world or word. They’re a bunch of parishes and principalities who lord their own particular speciality over their neighbours’ own particular speciality. It’s a mentality born out of trauma, love, the need to survive, pride and the urge to be the absolute best. Napoleon fucked up their guild system and the best of what they had to offer. The prick. Then left wing politics finished the job and twisted the knife in ways that philistines and dilettantes can’t appreciate.
At their best they showed the world how to trade, build, play and pray. A great bunch of lads.
In terms of culture they put the Irish in the ha’penny place.
Slag the Italians again and I’ll puncicate you.


That’s the look we were aiming for

You are a bigger cunt

I’d I have to deal with them



Emoji overload


Well if that doesn’t take the garibaldi :cookie:

What a post. Tfk had a gap in the market for an angry Nordie Italian.


Juhy knew…

this is like something that would happen in Ireland, they’d get money off europe to build a road and then drink half it and build the road half arsed with what ever money was left, like the time they had the turks building the ennis bypass and the m7 out of limerick, sure it started sinking into a bog after 6 months. I’d say the mafia was involved here, I doubt there was even reinforcement in the concrete


Once all the bodies buried in the concrete started to decompose it became fierce unstable

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Encasing steel cables inside concrete - not the way to go.

Italy for the Italians, but no Roma in Roma, say the fascists.

It’s easier to understand how the shameful treatment of Moise Kean happens given the wider context of acceptance of racism in Italy.

What has Roy Keane’s father got to do with this ?