Italy - a failed society

I was surprised by the extent of the night life alright. Serious spot. Every where you turned it was Americans over for college or on a gap year.

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Thanks buddy. We do our best.


Obly thing is you always look like a roaster or bum next to the locals. They dress well

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Agree :handshake:

I ate a Tuscany pizza last night.


. “It is completely improper to equate the excessive consumption of spirits, typical of the Nordic countries, to the moderate and conscious consumption of quality products with lower alcohol content, such as beer and wine”.

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It’s the best country on the planet. We are only existing here and not living at all.


Dam right. Irish lads should stick to drinking 10 pints of porter and a few small ones

I’d say the italians aren’t angry with the irish, just disgusted that their wine is wasted on such a crowd of simpering tasteless weaklings. Some fucking committee of soulless bores taking it upon themselves to inflict a crass sticker on a bottle of Barolo…for our own good.

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If it’s that good why was your holiday spent ogling americans on a gap year and standing in an irish pub talking to an irish lad about irish horse racing?


The likes of Italy and Spain are great countries when you have the money saved from an Irish salary


He’ll be back sitting in some dingy shithole drinking porter and running over and back to Paddy Powers across the road while watching the racing channel for 15 hrs boring the shit out of anyone that’ll listen about how great it was :grin:

Italian births drop to lowest level since country’s unification


Fewer than 400,000 babies were born in Italy last year, the lowest number since the 1861 unification of the country, highlighting worsening demographic dynamics in an economy beset by high levels of public debt.Just 393,000 babies were born in Italy in 2022, the national statistics agency Istat said on Friday, down about 1.8 per cent from the 400,249 born in 2021.

The decline came despite the introduction of a financial incentive scheme aimed at encouraging more women to have children.

The scheme, crafted by former prime minister Mario Draghi’s government in 2021, provides families with monthly financial allowances ranging from €50 to €175 for every newborn child. Those payments continue until the child is either economically independent or reaches 21. The precise amount paid out by the scheme, which began on March 1st last year, is dependent on the family’s income, but even wealthy families are entitled to the payment.

New births in Italy have been dropping steadily since the 2008 financial crisis, triggering fears that a rapidly ageing population will put a further strain on the state’s finances.

“Women are just having fewer children,” said Maria Rita Testa, a demographer at Rome’s Luiss University. “Some of them decide to remain childless. Others postpone the time of starting to build a family and when it comes time, it is too late.”

Istat has forecast that Italy’s population, now just under 59 million, will drop to just 48 million by 2070, putting intense pressure on everything from pensions to a healthcare system already struggling with a shortage of doctors.

At 135 per cent, Italy has one of the highest debt-to-GDP levels in Europe, according to Eurostat, the European Commission’s statistics bureau. “It’s a demographic crisis – we are going to lose a lot of people in the future,” Ms Testa said. – Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2023

In fairness, a declining population should be vigorously encouraged globally.

Who will wipe your arse in the nursing home in 40 years? Thats where this going, massive shortage of labour to service the ageing population

There’ll always be private nurses.

Population growth needed to slow and fall. It’ll short term pain for long term gain.

You’re making a few assumptions there…

There’s no money in that pal.

Sure Italians live at home with their mamas until their 40s. Always hard to procreate in those circumstances

Can’t they let all the Africans over?
Job is oxo…