Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

I’ll refer you to Isaac Asimov

The far right’s love of totalitarianism outing itself again.

Yer one seems to be carving out a niche for herself for interviewing actual medical experts and then looking like she’s been lobotomised when they blow her questions apart.

Could she be a deep state plant? :grin:

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there is plenty of evidence to show that viruses take root where pH levels are low.

How do you make Kefir ?
Is that the slightly acidic milk? I’ve gotten a bottle of it before and didn’t care much for it.


If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted treatment, several pharmaceutical companies stand to profit, including shareholders and senior executives with connections to the president. Mr. Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.

Some associates of Mr. Trump’s have financial interests in the issue. Sanofi’s largest shareholders include Fisher Asset Management, the investment company run by Ken Fisher, a major donor to Republicans, including Mr. Trump. A spokesman for Mr. Fisher declined to comment.

Another investor in both Sanofi and Mylan, another pharmaceutical firm, is Invesco, the fund previously run by Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary. Mr. Ross said in a statement Monday that he “was not aware that Invesco has any investments in companies producing” the drug, “nor do I have any involvement in the decision to explore this as a treatment.”

As of last year, Mr. Trump reported that his three family trusts each had investments in a Dodge & Cox mutual fund, whose largest holding was in Sanofi.

I believe I’m all set on the advice above after purchasing some kefir milk. Thank you all.

FYI guys, on the off chance that the BCG & our dietary shields don’t work and to save the Quinine for those who really need it, this is great advice

I wouldn’t touch that shit. Drank it by accident years ago.


You need to get your hands on some kefir grains. It’s plain sailing from there on out.

Lemon juice, drop some baking soda in, then as it reacts add water. Imbibe.Then a spoon of apple cider vinegar in water. Imbibe. Then some milk thistle and oregano oil in water. Imbibe. Your family will think you’re benjamin button


@anon7035031, can you do a deep dive on pH levels and coronaviruses and ladybird it for @flattythehurdler

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If your pH levels are outside a very very narrow range you are dead mate.


Ya but so is the corona virus


pH level of the blood. Which cannot be adjusted by diet as it is tightly controlled.

A slightly alkaline diet has proven health benefits. You’d swear lads were talking about drinking battery acid.

You’re talking to lads that think letting millions die is preferable to letting a doctor prescribe an old malaria drug that has been in use for 80 years. Actually hundreds of years as people in tropical countries were previously chewing the bark of the tree it comes from.

Just to try and save face on the Internet.

Mate… History will be kind to us when the annals of the great virus of 2019-2020 are written.

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You can bet your life boris is horsing it into him as we speak

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Is Boris bi?