Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir


Quinning bigly

I’ve found 12 bottles of Fever Tree on the drinks shelf.
How much do I need to be drinking a day?

At least double that.



Depends how high the shelf was.

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Its up there for a reason

Outstanding, you saw it through right to the end, well done.

A democratic member of the house of Representatives in Michigan has credited Trump for saving her life. Apparently Michigan would have signed an order to prohibit its use only for him. It may save Borris too.

pH, bro.

I’ve been squeezing lemon into my first morning glass of water.

Lunchtime I make sure to have an avocado with everything. Sadly, the ones you get in Oireland are not that great but we get by.

With my night time cleansing tea I have a drop of apple cider vinegar and another lemon squeeze.

What else can I add to my diet to improve my chances?

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Ester C

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A dress.

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Spinach, peas and greens in general.

Small dose of fermented food… But make sure it has been properly fermented and not mass jarred stuff. So sauerkraut or kimchi… Or even kefir milk.

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Cheers guys

Novartis are utterly ruthless.
This will done entirely with an eye on the main chance.


Up the ‘drop’ of ACV to a tablespoon, and add in some honey to taste.

As @Thomas_Brady said, kefir is good. It’s a decent probiotic which you can make at home.

It’s also hard to look past a Vitamin C supplement (considering the Chinese were using Vitamin C infusion for the treatment of COVID-19 infected pneumonia).

A high quality Vitamin B complex is always important for a healthy immune system (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5358464/), but a lot of adults would be deficient.

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You’ll either get covid or you won’t. You’ll either recover or die.
Unless you are vitamin deficient, there is as much evidence for any of this as there is for quinine, i.e. none.


Ban this cunt.

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