Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

It’s close enough for the sake of this argument mate.

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How do you relate code monkeys to scientists?


Computer Science is an oxymoron.


You study the foundations of information and computing and their application.

Not all graduates of computer science are code monkeys.

That’s math/maths mate.

That’s all closer to engineering than science.

Applied through technology.

Do you think all scientists work in a lab with test tubes or something?

You’re really struggling now.

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There’s a full moon tonight and wouldn’t you know it.

What do you think a scientist is?

Have you heard the term STEM?
Different disciplines mate, Science is the study of the physical and natural world.

There are many fields of science, IT isn’t one of them. Get over yourself.

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A computer is physical.

A computer network has changed the world, to scale, more than any other naturally occurring phenomenon

It’s no surprise to see you’re a luddite

Truth :grinning:

@Ambrose_McNulty IT isn’t part of this?

The two dogs have a bone now lad.


I’ve great regard for your field mate, very useful.
Not science though.

What I do isn’t science. I’m not a scientist.

There are people who exist who are computer scientists.

No, it’s an Engineering discipline. @anon78624367 wants to tell people he’s a scientist because he’s insecure about his education or his employment.