Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Keep digging.

Truth can’t be debunked, only lies and deception.

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You accept lots as true. Almost everything that comes out of the mouths of the Donald, and fox news.

Truth can be debunked as new information comes to light.

It was believed as truth the earth was flat.

Approved by the FDA in 2004 no less. You really should have stayed on the building site.

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Truth can never be debunked, the earth was always spherical. Your mixing up truth with opinion.

You really are and idiot. As I recall we were talking about covid 19.
Have the fed approved them for that?, Or some sort of labane like approval-lite?
Your like a panful of Denny’s. Youre hopping about the internet absolutely steaming.

I don’t you know, truth is very hard to come by.

Are leeches used in medicine?

True or false.

You said leeches were useless.

You are an idiot clown.

Hydroxy chloroquine is used in medicine mate. What’s your point?

Funny he mentions leeches because nobody sticks to delusion like him.

You’re mixing up opinions with beliefs I think.

Ah no I didn’t.
If you concentrate hard, and read with your finger under the words you might catch on in a bit.

Hydroxychloro[quote=“flattythehurdler, post:332, topic:30766, full:true”]
Hydroxy chloroquine is used in medicine mate. What’s your point?

hydroxychloroquine is used to treat COVID-19 mate.

Christ. I can’t argue with your level of wilful idiocy.
I’m out.

Panadol is also used to treat COVID-19.

There’s no such thing.


Also the earth isn’t spherical

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How so?