Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

I agree with everything this doctor says

What’s he a doctor of?


Line up

I just want to know before I listen to him. Shur I’m a doctor…

Did you know what the doctor was before watching the video you already agreed with

Don’t watch it. You won’t like it

Don’t worry buddy. It’s been peer reviewed, subject to dozens of clinical trials round the world and has been found to be highly effective.

But you’re free to believe whatever you want, fall in love with your captor etc

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stockholm syndrome

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Glenshane said it was peer reviewed so I knew it was worth watching

every Youtube video is peer reviewed


Well that’s just not true.

I know

I think I’ll wait for Joe Cooney’s opinion on the efficacy of Ivermectin


Joe has been an advocate for 30 years.

Do you think this will have much of an impact on the 6 million a day being spent on testing? Would there be any reluctance to consider an alternative to the more lockdowns and testing dogma?

People dont give up their beliefs easily, especially when their beliefs mean they get to stay under the bed on full pay.


What’s this guy’s credentials?

he’s a youtube doctor mate. Bulletproof


I’ve never seen a cow with covid

Mary lou McDonald had it


Looks legit.