Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

A simpleton looks for other simpletons


More good news

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Remarkable.100 SA doctors plead for common sense and humanity from their leaders, meanwhile the drug is banned and doctors are arrested for using it to save lives.
They must feel like they’re down the rabbit hole or something


“overcoming COVID-19 naturally offers potential for greater protection against future coronaviruses. Vaccines have their place but so do our amazingly complex, sophisticated, highly effective immune systems which have evolved over millennia to protect us from a world teeming with trillions of pathogens”


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Clinical trials, peer reviews, anecdotal evidence, double blind studies, thousands of patients involved, widespread acceptance in india and south America, WHO getting onboard, miraculousl results in places etc etc.
Even cynics like @EstebanSexface are convinced

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The youngest who’s doing a medical and science degree has been advocating to the rest of since early October to take Vitamin D. Anyway the missus bought 2 boxes of them them in October I wasn’t really taking any notice but they were on the counter top in the kitchen and I started taking them just because they were there. Eldest and the missus didn’t bother, makes us wonder now that myself and herself avoided COVID :thinking: when it got into the house.


@glenshane did you listen to the JRE podcast i tagged you in last week? Yourman was saying zinc was the key to preventing covid. But the issue was getting zinc into the cell to protect from covid. He said you can take high doses of zinc which will have little effect unless you take ionophores to support zinc getting into cells. And what is a good zinc ionophore? Hydroxychloroquine

He said Hydroxychloroquine is useless on its own with with zinc it has been very effective.

Dammit, I missed the tag. But I did listen to most of the podcast…he said something similar about quercetine and vitamin d. Was it not that absorption was more effective?

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Something along those lines where its not the cure but allows the body to absorb more zinc. He said turmeric and green tea is a good natural way to help with too. Very interesting. I might add green tea to my diet and see do I get a boost from the ZMA

We’re practically invincible as it is, but sure where’s the harm.


That sounds pretty definitive.

I’m not sure why the media, politicians etc aren’t talking about this.
I’ve yet to conclude whether it’s down to stupidity mass psychosis, criminal negligence, general malaise or some sort of big pharma/great reset conspiracy
A few quid each and everyone can just get back to normal. It’s that simple.

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Could they not do this for vitamin D?


Ivermectin only works on mammals.

And covid 19!!


And scabies…did you not hear about the care home in France?

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It’s extraordinary that governments have put up barriers to prevent doctors saving lives. Thankfully our own politicians and experts are free to let people die needlessly

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Always somebody to take the snake oil

Website :smile:

What did you think of the dr pierre kory interview above?

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