Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

If the results of this trial are positive towards invermectin - then sign me up for it


realist kid. You can’t just go around Donal Trumping the shit out of it proclaiming miracle cures without having policy and trials in place. It’s incredibly dangerous and irresponsible

this will maybe explain why a little bit - if you aren’t too dense of course


So South America has seen widespread use of it. Has the death rate gone down there?

It’s odd how you have to wait for one particular source to promote before you believe. You must be a really gullible sort

Yes I believe it’s well tested in sheep

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you believe a fella on the internet - fair play to you but I’m more stringent than that.


I make informed decisions, you wait for certain people to make your mind up on things despite all the other data and information present.

You seem a very gullible type of chap.

Ok good for you mate

Find someone else to go round in circles with there for the night like a good chap

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I accept your concession and will show mercy.

You have no choice


that’s a very promising study

It is, and appears to be backed up by other studies. The issue is the studies are small and there might be some questions on methodology and controls. We already know Ivermectin stops the virus replicating in vitro, there are larger studies underway to test it in vivo.

While the FDA have not approved it’s use for Covid, I do think there is an ethical argument for drugs that are approved for other conditions and are known to be fairly harmless in terms of side effects.

Have you tracked the death rate in South America since invermictin has been used?

I’ve completely stopped tracking the whole thing

Have they approved the Pfizer vaccine yet?

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I think that hygcqh stuff is pc now

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It seems to be in widespread use there, including health care workers. There was a small study in Argentina that had positive results and another recent one in Spain, so that might be driving it.

Emergency use.

I was trying to be facetious so I was

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@glenshane glynner just stopped before he announced the nation should listen to you

@glenshane, it’s time to turn the heat up.