Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

It’s a simple question.

Which you seem afraid to give the “answer” to.

Another prominent Ivermectin “advocate”, Steve Kirsch, claims that over 25k people have died in the US from the Covid vaccines.

Kirsch also claims that the miscarriage rate among vaccinated women is 82%.

It’s mad the way Ivermectin seems to be almost exclusively promoted by such people. I wonder why that is.

The answer is that it has been known since the earliest studies that high dosage is required. All of the studies that showed promise used high dosage for 5 days.

The Bill Gates study used low dose for one day

Why would you do that unless you wanted the study to fail?


Untrue. You didn’t even read the article.

Again I’ll ask you - why is it that pretty much all those (I’ve yet to come across any Ivermectin advocate who isn’t) who advocate Ivermectin are obvious crackpots?

The likes of Kirsch, Weinstein, Lawrie, Kory and the rest of the FLCCC, and Malone?

Sorry, you are clueless on anything science related. The dosage used in the Bangladesh and other studies was 1200 ug/kg. This was based on in vitro studies which demonstrated that high dosage was required. The Gates funded study used 400 ug/kg. After getting inputs they changed the regime from 1 day to 3 days rather than 5 days, but did not increase the dose. They obviously had no interest in trying to duplicate studies that had promising outcomes.

I have zero interest in crackpots. There are thousands of doctors prescribing Ivermectin worldwide, as they unlike you understand pharmacology and that it showed promise. Kory was the first doctor to recommend steroids, and was proven correct.

It’s common practice for doctors to use off label medication in critical cases. Are they all crackpots?

What’s most disturbing here is your opposition to studying candidates to treat Covid. Staggering levels of ignorance considering there are no known antivirals that work.

For your interest, the same Together study trialled a number of different putative Covid treatments, and had considerable success with a generic drug, fluvoxamine. Results indicated a 31% reduction in hospitalisations and a similar reduction in the likelihood of ending up on a ventilator among the hospitalised.

So there goes your conspiracy theory about Big Pharma, which already was exposed by the approval of the generic steroid dexamethasone.

Sorry, but this is by far the highest quality study yet done of Ivermectin.

Back when you were pushing hydroxychloroquine, you used the same appeal to authority fallacy. You claimed doctors everywhere were using it themselves and giving it to patients. How did that work out?

When EUA approval was granted, you proudly Trumpeted how it was proof of how all you had been saying was true. It wasn’t. It didn’t work.

You haven’t answered the question about the crackpots. Why is it that all the prominent Ivermectin advocates seem to be crackpots? As was the case with hydroxychloroquine.

That is some clamping, jeepers

I asked you why all the prominent advocates of Ivermectin are crackpots and whether it raises any red flags. You haven’t got around to answering.

There are crackpots everywhere, if you seek them out.

The two largest studies on Ivermectin are the NIH funded ACTIV-6 trial and the Oxford University trial. The Bill Gates funded study is not credible as it did not study the dosages that have been shown to have promise. A properly conducted trial would use a range of dosage.

It’s no surprise you approve of the study that set out to fail.

It’s “not credible” because it produced results you didn’t like.

Yet you’re prepared to accept another set of results from the same study when you happen to like them.

It’s amazing how the Ivermectin cult has managed to gather so many crackpots in the one place. What are the chances.

Ivermectin cultists should do online curses in how to pick cherries. It would surely be very lucrative, and let’s face it, we know that’s what it’s all about. $$$$$$$.

Kory and Marik are not crackpots, they are trying to save lives.

Kory uses a “researcher” who clearly endorses the use of horse paste.

He is anti-vaccine, Eric Osgood resigned from the FLCCC because he could no longer tolerate its anti-vaccine stance. That’s not trying to save lives, that’s advocating millions of people die needlessly.

Owning the libs by killing granny and shitting out your intestines.

More lies. Juan Chamie-Quintero does not promote veterinary Ivermectin, he is a data analyst who has compiled results from several countries where Ivermectin is being routinely prescribed. The FLCCC site gives a list of doctors that prescribe Ivermectin formulated for humans and a list of pharmacies that fill prescriptions.

Constant lying doesn’t help your case.

Eric Osgood is both an Ivermectin advocate and a vaccine advocate.

I posted a screenshot of a tweet which disproves that.

I didn’t say Eric Osgood was anti-vaccine. But he now admits that he was helping to peddle an anti-vaccine message as part of an anti-vaccine group, the FLCCC, of which Pierre Kory is by far the most well known member.

Don’t believe all you see on the Internet. Read the papers he has authored if you want to educate yourself.

Twitter feed headlines are all he can read.

Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz has done outstanding work exposing the bullshit studies Trumpeted by the Ivermectin cultists like Pierre Kory.

This is a particularly devastating piece on the Carvallo “study” from Argentina. The inescapable conclusion is: the entire thing was faked. It never happened.