Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

The FLCCC are not anti vaxx. If you bothered to look at their website they state that vaccines offer better protection than any drug. They are promoting a drug treatment it’s a separate issue to vaccination.

Eric Osgood says they have not been supportive of vaccination because their supporters are anti-vaccine and thus they are playing to their supporters. Osgood was only in the FLCCC. Sure what would he know about how they work.

Kory advocates for Ivermectin instead of vaccines. This is a deeply irresponsible message.

Earlier you mentioned Paul Marik. Marik claims the vaccines have killed over 5,000 people and he is consistently using an anti-vaccine message. I think that’s more than enough to apportion crackpot status.

Malik is not anti vaccine and people are dying after vaccination, especially the elderly. VAERS have reported that through August 31st 2021, 7,218 people died in the US after receiving a Covid vaccination. This is not unexpected, and it’s 7,218 deaths after 369 million doses administered, so still rare. As always you fail to see context, the vaccines are safe for most people.

What leftists like yourself want is that no adverse reports from vaccination should be allowed, no reporting of side effects, or potential long term effects. Anyone highlighting issue with vaccination needs to be cancelled. It’s the ultimate anti-science stance, only report the good news and not the bad news.

Imagine every death after a vaccination was treated as a death caused by the vaccines across the world if you were inoculated 28 days previous.

It would be insane.

The same principle with regards to the PCR test…is fully accepted though.


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VAERS is completely abused by anti-vaxxers. It is there for well meaning reasons but as regards Covid is not in any way a reliable source of any statistics because of the trolling. It is telling about the breadth of distortion you push here that you claim it is. I mean I could literally go onto VAERS right now and claim I had grown two more heads because of the vaccine, and people like you and the FLCCC would be claiming this as reliable data.

Go off to Breitbart if you want to shriek about “leftists”, you weirdo.

Anyone quoting VAERS figures is an idiot.

You need a big dose.

VAERS is a US government reporting agency you clown.

Shit just got real

One doctor said hospitals were so busy that gunshot victims can’t get the care they need.


The pour on is an absolute game changer


Must be a bad batch in Oklahoma

Maybe it’s not the horse feed at all. Maybe someone gave these poor people the vaccine unknownst to them and it’s actually the vaccine making them sick.


The greatest trick that Bill Gates ever pulled was hiding the microchips inside the horse dewormer.


Bill Gates is a nutcase.


I administered some closamectin intramuscular today, ama

Why do the weirdo leftie covid fanatics have to lie so often to keep people scared of covid? The Guardian and @mikehunt, perfect bedfellows.


Not believing that story, US hospitals have superior triage systems to Paddy.
Think it’s the war theatre training

(And just saw post above which dismisses it further)

@TheBlackSpot has been found spreading misinformation here, I think he owes the forum an explanation and an apology.
We’re in the middle of a deadly pandemic ffs

No rapparree* will be getting any explanation or apology from me. If you lazy cunts had actually read the article you might have seen this at the end of it:

" Northeastern Health System in Sequoyah said in a statement posted on Facebook later on Saturday that Dr McElyea was not an employee but was affiliated with a medical staffing group that provided coverage for its emergency room.

NHS Sequoyah had not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin, including overdose, the statement said."

*Glenshane, from which the Glenshane Pass is named, has been interpreted as Gleann Sheáin ‘Shane’s Glen’. It has at times been suggested that this is connected to Seán Crosach (Shane Crossagh) Ó Maoláin, an Irish raparee (ropaire – a word whose primary meaning is a ‘thruster/ stabber’ and wielder of a half-pike).

I’d venture a lot of the thrusting\stabbing was from behind.