Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

The irony.

Not sure what the irony is. I’m not the person complaining about mocking. You are.

The irony is someone complaining about abuse who has the worst record of actual abuse on TFK.

Do I need to remind you again of your disgusting attacks on fellow posters?

Finally you’re showing some self awareness.

You’re not happy at losing this exchange, are you.

Quiz question: which of the two major political parties in the US contains large numbers of representatives who are promoting medical and scientific disinformation?

And which one doesn’t?

Don’t forget about vitamin D lads. It’s absolutely crucial and it would be a shame of the success of Ivermectin led us to forget!

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And masks on kids?

If they did advise such they were wrong. That doesn’t discredit them as an organisation. Early in the pandemic there was a shortage of PPE. Instead of saying masks don’t work, they should have said “on balance we ask the public to refrain from hoovering short on supply, high on demand supplies of PPE because it is needed most by frontline medical workers”. That’s what they should have said.

One aspect which has been very noteworthy during the pandemic is the degree to which the OIUTF cult desperately seeks to destroy all trust in pretty much every national or international institution.

Institutions can and will continue to make mistakes, they’re populated by humans after all. But deliberate destruction of trust in institutions is how you get a Lord Of The Flies outcome from this pandemic, and a Lord Of The Flies outcome in society in general. It leads to demagogues.

Luckily in Ireland we’ve had a high degree of trust in our public institutions, though obviously they are far from perfect. People on this forum don’t like hearing that, but it’s a plain truth.

You’re discrediting them by disregarding their mask advice. So it’s the LIDTF crew discrediting them

See that’s the sort of post an ADD addled 4 year old would make. Somebody with no interest whatsoever in understanding the issues, just somebody who wants to shriek in the style of a Sun headline. And it’s what we’ve come to expect from you.

You gave a post giving out them being discrediting them and then undermined their advice.

You’ve just made a load of stuff up there, primarily because you’re an idiot

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Next time just type “Gotcha” in big, black, bold capital letters. Maybe throw a picture of the Belgrano as well. It’s your style.

Pierre Kory seems to be a terrible liar. I wonder why that is.

Pretty much every prominent Ivermectin pusher seems to be a terrible liar too. I wonder why that is.

Why do they need to keep lying? Why do they need to keep making up stuff?

If you were confident in what you were pushing, you wouldn’t need to do that.

Im just pointing out inconsistencies in your stance

“Madcow” :grinning:

The misogyny is leaking out…

What are the inconsistencies?

You’ve given out about the WHO being discredited and you are saying their advice regarding masks in primary school is wrong

That doesn’t discredit them as an organisation. Plus it’s just one person’s opinion. You need a much, much larger pattern than that to discredit an organisation. The point is, you want to try and discredit them as an organisation because you hold a highly cynical yet highly gullible ideological position against national and international institutions in general, which taken to its logical endpoint leads to nihilism and tyranny.

You don’t think the WHO are discredited as an organization by backing the CCP and not just failing to recommend travel restrictions but actually speaking out against them?
They are a disgrace, a CCP puppet organization.