Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

I’ve heard it can have negative effects alright.

I think the real problem is that it’s just one more thing the right-wing griftosphere has advertised as basically a (fake) alternative to vaccines.

Any time you hear the words “natural immunity” and people waffling on about diets and the absolute whopper “trust your immune system” (variations of which I’ve seen a good few times on this forum) it’s basically a Trojan horse for anti-vaxx stuff.

I heard excess water can actually cause drowning

Surely you must find Ketamine Pete convincing.

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That @Tank fella has seriously regressed of late

Stimulating the immune system to fight infection is now a bad thing. I wonder how these lads think a vaccine works?

If the good lord had wanted us to have an immune system he wouldn’t have invented vaccines, or sunlight

What’s utterly fascinating is lads who dismiss natural immunity and yet are enthralled by the magic of vaccines. I wonder how they think the 95-99% of people (depending on age group) who fought off Covid infection prior to vaccines did it? Maybe it was Monaghan voodoo.


I’m actually taken aback. Is it any wonder vitamin supplements come with health warnings and childproof lids. A bottle of vitamin d tablets could actually be lethal in the wrong hands

What’s absolutely fascinating is how people who talk about “natural immunity” are so obviously doing so for quack reasons.

There are safe vaccines available that work wonderfully well and these are by far our primary tool available to protect as many people as possible. Ireland should be proud that we have embraced these vaccines to such an extent, it’s an excellent reflection on our media and our general trust in actual experts and public institutions.

The news coming out of the US today about the likely approval in the near future of vaccines for children of 5 and up is great news and hopefully before too long they’ll be approved for all ages.

Talking about “natural immunity” in some sort of glowing terms is bizarre because you’d only do so for two reasons - to actually advocate that as many people as possible get Covid, or for anti-vaccine purposes.

Both are total quack “reasons”, dangerous, and I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say, evil.

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How we survived all along without the flu jabs is a mystery to me.

The evolution of mankind never really got into its stride until the arrival of formula milk


Natural immunity is the best defense against any infection, it’s how you and every other human alive today has survived as long as they have. Yes vaccines are needed and most welcome, but a vaccine will only work on a relatively healthy immune system. Why do you think people are getting sick and dying who have been vaccinated? For the same reason people are getting sick and dying who are unvaccinated, their immune systems cannot develop the antibodies to fight off Covid or respond to the Covid like vaccine. A vaccine can do nothing magical that a healthy immune system cannot do.

That is why staying at a healthy weight, good nutrition and normal vit D levels are important, as these are the backbone of any heathy immune system. The issue with vit D is deficiency which a significant % of the population suffer from, and it is worse in people with darker skin, firmly established for decades by science.

The problem with zealots like yourself and the ones you follow on Twitter is they deny the entire history of medicine in favor of rabid political beliefs.


The vaccines are BY FAR our best defence against Covid. It is cut and dried. It is categorical. End of.

Everything else is noise.

And those who deny this, like you, should be shunned, because you are spreading disinformation which kills.

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Incorrect, a healthy immune system is by far the best defense against Covid, as demonstrated by the 99% of younger healthy people who fight off infection. A vaccine cannot create a healthy immune system, as is been demonstrated by 25% of the recent deaths in Ireland being fully vaccinated. A vaccine depends on a healthy immune system to work, it is not magic.

Learn a little bit of immunology, it would balance out your fundamentalist and ignorant views.


To have theoretical “natural immunity” to Covid, you have to get Covid.

Over 4.7 million are officially known to have died from Covid, over 15 million are estimated by The Economist to have died either from Covid or as a result of this pandemic.

“Natural immunity” my arse. I suppose those 15 million dead people have “natural immunity” now because Covid can’t sustain in a corpse.

You are now pushing a quack pseudoscience nonsense that people should get Covid. It is inescapable. That is what the “natural immunity” quack “argument” is. That is all it is.

And it is sick, and disgraceful. Earlier today you agreed with the statement that those who will approve vaccines for 5 years and up are “monsters”. The predatory right wing culture war propaganda you peddle is what is killing thousands of people every day in the US.

Christ on a bike.

Natural immunity: The ability to resist infection that does not depend on prior experience of the invading organism. Natural immunity is a general and non specific resistance to infection possessed by all healthy individuals.

The problem with zealots like yourself is you want to redefine everything that is known about medicine in favor of rabid political beliefs.

Is there anything else you want me to teach you tonight? Perhaps you would be best served reading the first paragraph 100 times and committing it to memory.


Christ on a bike indeed.


The Daily Shill is back, thought you’d be helping Brendan Mullins defence case

It’s interesting to think back to see how long you’d have lived if you were born before anti-biotics.

I’d have been dead before six months.

If you allow for infant mortality the lifespan of a victoriana tan was pretty much what it is now…