Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

Their new drug is called definitelynotinvermectin


That’s six words and one of them isn’t a proper word.

It’s fascinating that lads are struggling with the concept of capitalism. On the one hand you have a drug that you developed and spent millions on to get quickly through clinical trials and get emergency use authorization for, allowing you charge what you like for it and maximizing as much of the 20 years patent protection period as possible. On the other hand you have a drug that you developed in the 1970s so long past patent protection, and can be made by any of the generic drug manufacturers.

Be honest now, which one would you choose to pursue?


Probably the one that there was evidence for that it actually worked.

But then again, you’d have to have a basic understanding of, em, the concept of some things working and some not?

An almost impossibly simple concept which turns out to be well beyond the comprehension abilities of a surprisingly large amount of people. :grinning:

Some people who are laughably proclaiming themselves to be left are emphatically trusting the most corrupt billion dollar capitalist industry who have a long and seedy history of knowingly launching unsafe drugs on the market, lobbying and bribing in many cases. There have been multiple cases of these companies having to settle in the hundreds of millions and billions when they have been caught out.

Big pharma is as rotten as it gets but we laughably have self labelled lefties going to bat for these unconscionable capitalists.

You just have to laugh.


Many medical professionals are in the pocket of big pharmacy. Consultants in Ireland are wined and dined by the pharmaceutical industry for using their drugs e.g. during operations. This is known by all and sundry but swept under the rug

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There is no industry as utterly rotten as big pharma. Record settlements, doctors, approval body board members, hospitals and universities all in their pockets. A long line of cases where this has been shown up and that’s only all the ones we know.

It’s risible here that we have lads telling them to trust them absolutely. Even more so when we have women champagne lefties telling us that big pharma has our best interests at heart. Big pharma couldn’t give a toss about how many people their products save or kill, as long as the profits roll in and they can limit any liability.

It’s the removal of liability big pharma demanded around the vaccine that makes me most dubious around it.

Good for scabies as well.

Look at this :joy:

And killing cattle.

I’d imagine they’d charge more for a drug that treats covid compared to one that treats an itchy scalp.

You’re half way there

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Mike is the lad who never gets to graduate unfortunately.

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If I’m haf way to where you are then I’m turning back.

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Mike’s the best of a fella. I find his innocent prevarication quite charming

Any comment @glenshane @Tierneevin1979? :grinning:

FFS! It’s the leftist BBC! wibble wibble wibble

Oh dear

Percentages calculated incorrectly, I just knew @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy was involved somehow.

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Yet more Ivermectin bullshit exposed.

It’s been so entertaining seeing self proclaimed “science guy” @Tierneevin1979 slowly marinating in his own bitter juices on this thread as his spectacular, never ending, willing gullibility for transparent right wing disinformation was exposed yet again.