Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Invermectin & Molnupiravir

At least @glenshane has been cured of his river blindness, if not any of his many other forms of blindness.

It reduced infections?

What’s gone wrong with the Capitalist Lobbying at all?

cc @glenshane

Did they retire back under their beds to count the costs of their lies?

What are you on about?

I’m hearing reports this thing is a complete cod? You’re the go to guy on this.

Shure ive posted numerous studies, articles etc, and reviews/neta-analysis of the same

Good to see governments catching up, coming to their senses etc.

It’s all about the fraud.

Here’s a wild fact - both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, the two biggest “alternative” treatments of the pandemic, appear to have started out as fraud

The French government just acknowledged that the original HCQ paper that started the worldwide rush on the drug - cited >5,500 times! - was manipulated to show a benefit

One of the main reasons for ivermectin’s popularity was the Surgisphere debacle in 2020, where a non-existent database was used to create a study showing massive benefits for the drug

Surgisphere Sows Confusion About Another Unproven COVID-19 DrugThe company behind a now-discredited study on hydroxychloroquine also posted a report that has been cited by Latin American governments recommending ivermectin as a possible coronavirus treatment. Cli…https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/surgisphere-sows-confusion-about-another-unproven-covid19-drug-67635

Ivermectin has so far not proven particularly harmful, even in higher doses, but there is some evidence that HCQ increases the risk of death from COVID-19 for people who take it, which could potentially have killed quite a few people

Mortality outcomes with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 from an international collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials - Nature CommunicationsHydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have been investigated as a potential treatment for Covid-19 in several clinical trials. Here the authors report a meta-analysis of published and unpublished trials,…https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-22446-z#Sec3

But even if not directly harmful, the staggering economic cost of investigating these two medications, not to mention the vast sums people have spent buying up every pill for two years is a wild missed opportunity

When people ask what the costs of scientific fraud are, these are two pretty massive examples of the snowball effect that bad/falsified studies can have

Never in doubt

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Russell giving a tour de France here


Listened to the first hour of him on Rohan’s pod. He can be painful to listen to at times but I thought he was making a lot of very good points.

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Charlatans always “sound” like they’re making good points, especially when they have developed a charismatic personality like Brand has . That’s the game of persuasion and demagoguery.

Brand is basically Sideshow Bob campaigning for Springfield Mayor. A total fraud.

Would you say he’s another of these reds under the bed that you’re always on about?

What’s fraudulent about him?

It’s only yourself who’s obsessed with “reds under the bed”.

Brand is what he is. An attention whore and a money whore with no actual knowledge but with the charisma of a true Pied Piper. He’s perfect for the social media age. His gravitation towards the Trumps is birds of a feather stuff.

Gullible lads like yourself are fodder for him.

The idea that he that has the first clue about pretty much anything he talks about, for a start.

Bill Maher has a lot to answer for in platforming him. US media is infested with pathetic both sidesers like Maher who platform disinformation for clicks.

Have you any specifics?

Mate you started a thread entitled fifth columnists for russia in the west

It’s a long, long time since Russia were the “reds”, mate.

Specifically everything.

People entrusting their scientific education to MTV presenters who became heroin addicts seems to be the way it’s going, I suppose.

I wonder what Donna Air’s view on the large hadron collider is.